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Sunday, March 13, 2016

I woke up from a lazy afternoon nap and thought I'd grab a pop.....I sometimes allow myself the luxury of a soft drink on Sunday afternoons.  I saw there was some Dr Pepper behind the Coke, so I was trying to lift it and maneuver it over the Coke because it is my drink of choice.  Well, my spatial relations may need some improvement because I bumped the Coke with the Dr Pepper and sent the 2 liter of Coke to the kitchen floor.  It landed right on it's cap and the cap shattered and Coke started spewing all over everything in my kitchen.  Brad was standing there watching it all happen and I think he was dumbfounded at what he was witnessing. 

They say....

Well, I guess I will be starting my Spring cleaning tonight....I am waiting for the first round of steam cleaning the floor to dry to see if I need a second round and I get to wipe down all the cabinets and appliances.

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