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Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Serving Up A Super Tuesday

We always draw birthdays out for a while, so today I took some treats to school for Karly to celebrate with her classmates.  She had a blast handing out pieces of her cookie cake and taking extra pieces down the hallway to other teachers.  We were done celebrating and the class was planning to have some quiet reading time so I was packing up extra napkins and cleaning up crumbs and trash and a little boy from Karly's class came over and asked me if I could stay a little while and let him read to me.....if that is not the SWEETEST request!  So I got to hear all about Lunch Lady for a half hour and Karly kept looking over at me and rolling her eyes.  Some of the boys in her class are really sweet on her and it annoys her right now.....she got paired with a boy from class today and they were supposed to tell each other one thing that was good about the other....she said, "Mom, when it was his turn he said EVERYTHING is good about me....not you're good at gymnastics or basketball or you run fast, but EVERYTHING!" YUCK!

It's so funny that she gets irritated about that!
By the way, did you know March is reading month?  The little boy who asked to read to me reminded me of that and inspired me to think about making that a priority.

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