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Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Some days you get a little perspective into what your kids are facing at school and you realize how proud you are of them for choosing to do right and be witnesses for Christ even when it isn't easy.

Karly encountered a teacher who was sad about her mom's illness and worried that she may pass away soon.  We had just been to see Miracles From Heaven and Karly decided to give her teacher some encouragement and tell her that God does miracles.  Karly cried while she shared what she believes with her teacher and told her a little about the movie we saw....then the teacher said, "Here come the tears" and gave Karly a big hug for sharing that with her.

And.....Kassi has a situation with one of her classmates that is challenging.  I don't want to get into all the details, but we had a great discussion with her about how to love others even when they are not making decisions that are honoring to God....how to love God above everything else and allow His love to flow from you into the challenges you face and the situations where you can be a witness for Him.

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