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Monday, April 20, 2015

So, What's The Catch?

You've heard of a "Catch 22", right?... when something seems impossible because it's like a vicious cycle or it contradicts itself.  It kind-of means there is A and there is B... and B needs A before it can be fulfilled....unfortunately, A also needs B before it can be fulfilled...and there's the catch.  I decided to give you 22 examples of "Catch 22's" or paradoxes in the Bible.  Only you and "C" will know for sure if these are a "catch" for you.

1.  I must die to live (in Him).
2.  When I am weak, (His strength is made perfect in me...so) then I am strong.
3.  When I surrender my will, (to Him) I truly win.
4.  (He) will turn my mourning into dancing.
5.  (He teaches me that) I must remove a plank from my eye before I remove a splinter from another.
6.  Becoming a slave (to Him) is true freedom.
7.  (He shows me that) my righteousness is like filthy rags.
8.  Being covered in (His) blood cleanses me so that I am white as snow.
9.  When I think I am wise, I am foolish.
10. If I will humble myself, (He will exalt me) I will be exalted.
11.  I will always receive so much more through giving.
12.  It is possible to gain the whole world yet lose my soul.
13.  The first will be last.
14.  If I am willing to give up everything I have, (for Him) I will find everything my soul desires.
15.  I can be born even though I am already living.
16.  To be wise, I must become a fool.
17.  I can believe, with certainty, things I cannot test to be true.
18.  If I seek to save my own life, I will lose it.
19.  Somehow, even when I am totally stressed I can find rest (in Him).
20.  The good news is a stumbling block for those who do not believe.
21.  Difficulties and suffering are reason for joy (because of Him).
22.  I am in this world, but I am not of it (because I am His child).

I am sure there are many more of these, but I thought 22 would be quite catchy :P  AND....I want to introduce you to "C"....who makes EVERYTHING POSSIBLE for A and B.  Do you know who C is?...(I left hints for you)

It's just a totally different perspective, isn't it?

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