After the luncheon, I was thinking..."that was nice, but they have to do that once a year to check it off a list"....yeah, I wasn't really appreciative because I didn't accept the compliment as authentic. Ever been there? It wasn't a good attitude...but, it was the one in my mind. Once I was back in my office I read an article that hit me can GOD encourage us and discipline us at the same time? I wish I was this good at this stuff with my kids. Here's what I's an amazing story of the value of all our work:
..."After Plumb graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy, he flew jets in Vietnam. After 75 combat missions, he was shot down by a surface-to-air missile. He ejected and parachuted into the jungle. The Vietcong captured him and held him prisoner for six years in North Vietnam. Today, Plumb lectures on lessons learned from that experience.
He shares the story of a day when he and his wife were sitting in a restaurant and a man at another table approached them.
"How in the world did you know that?" asked the former pilot.
"I packed your parachute!" he said. Plumb gasped in surprise. The man pumped his hand and continued, "I guess it worked!"
Plumb assured him that it did saying, "If your chute hadn't worked, I wouldn't be here today."
Charlie Plumb couldn't sleep that night, thinking about the stranger. He wondered how many times he might have seen him on the ship and not spoken to him because, after all, he was a fighter pilot and the man who packed his chute was "just a sailor." He thought of the many hours this sailor had spent working at a long wooden table in the bowels of the carrier, carefully weaving the shrouds and folding the silks of each chute - each time, holding in his hands the fate of someone he didn't know.
When Plumb lectures, he often asks his audience, "Who's packing your parachute? Who is watching out for you? Can you identify the people who have packed your parachute over the years and those who are packing it today?"
See what I'm talking about? Isn't God CRAZY great?! I LOVE HIM for everything, but especially for sending this story my way today! Wouldn't it be amazing to meet the person who packed the parachute that saved your life? To me it said, keep up the good work and accept the appreciation when it is given.
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