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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Thought Bubbles

You know what is a cool thought...at least I think so, so if I am "cool"...maybe this is good.  God wants to narrate our life story.  What got me thinking about this is I want a weird little corner in my basement where I can put my elliptical machine and some weights and so, I was thinking about what I wanted as a background for that area and I decided I want funny things about workouts.  I want those balloon words or thought bubbles and I want them to say crazy stuff about losing weight because people get so serious about it and then they get all depressed...so, I have been looking for jokes and fun statements to put on that wall.

I found some really funny stuff and can't wait to use it...I figure I will burn more calories if I am laughing while working out.  Anyway, one of the statements I like says, "My workout is going to be so good Morgan Freeman should narrate it." Wouldn't that be hilarious!  Why is that so funny to me?  So, that made me think about what it would be like if my life was being narrated...imagine a play-by-play of all our actions...maybe even thoughts...then my brain went on to, I should check with Morgan Freeman to see if he is available (that is the grandiose delusional part of my brain :)...then, back to earth, that GOD WANTS THIS JOB EVERY DAY!  Only He doesn't just want to narrate what I am doing after or while I am doing it...He wants me to seek HIM for each step.  He is the writer, director, producer...and narrator too.  In my small group Bible study, we are going through the study called "not a fan"...it is a challenging devotional to help us go from being just a fan to being a complete follower of Christ.  The journal asks really personal questions about our motives, thoughts, and what might be holding us back from giving God complete control.  It is a good study...HARD, but good.

I think much of what I battle is in my mind...thought processing, attitudes, motives, letting some thoughts linger that I should take captive, expectations...those crazy thought bubbles.  This is one reason it is so important to fix our minds on Christ.  We have a portion of the very thoughts and mind of Christ when we are living in and by the Spirit...and then we have peace.  I love this verse..."I am the LORD your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go.  If only you had paid attention to my commands, your peace would have been like a river, your righteousness like the waves of the sea." Isaiah 48:17-18  So, that makes me think...if I need peace in some area of my life, am I paying attention to HIM there?  Are my thoughts fixed on HIM at that very place?  Imagine peace like a river...and righteousness like the waves of the sea!

SIDE NOTE: Since I started talking about my plans for the workout area...that made me think of my EAT sign, so I thought I would give you a funny update.  This is the sign I put up in my kitchen that says EAT...only, when I put it up there and got down from the stool to look at it, it said FAT.  The story is a ways back now in the post called "Here's the skinny"...So, my "everything should be in it's proper place" attitude won me over...so I fixed it.  I raised it up a little bit so I could actually see the whole word, EAT.  BUT, I just noticed this over the weekend...there is a shadow from a light in the kitchen that shines on the word and if you look at the wall behind the sign...THE SHADOW SAYS FAT!  (The Shadow Knows :) I can't win!

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