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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

May I have a word?

It is so interesting to me that God is still talking to me about the "awesome" lesson.  I know I have mentioned it a few times in my blogs, but it just keeps coming up for me.  I mentioned that I took Savannah to the LEGO movie on Thursday last week...well, the main song in that movie was a song called "Everything is Awesome" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6lHm-stXdM ...it is a catchy song and I have found myself singing it more than a few times since then.  I also had a co-worker ask me to do something for her today and all it took was a quick click of my computer and it was accomplished...then she emailed me right back to tell me I was awesome...haha! I had this weird thought of her sitting at her computer in her office somewhere being completely in AWE of me for clicking one thing...weird, right? :)

Then, in my bible readings, the word has come up twice this past week as well.  On Monday my reading was Genesis 28-31 and, in Genesis 28:17, AWESOME is used to describe the place where Jacob dreamt of the ladder to Heaven and of the heavenly beings ascending and descending. Then, on Tuesday, my reading was Judges 12-16 and, in Judges 13:6, the word is used to describe a visitation by an angel to Sampson's mother.  Isn't the contrast astounding?  I mean, me sitting at my computer screen clicking a button compared to a heavenly being visiting a woman to tell her she will have a special baby...or a dream of heavenly beings entering and leaving the earth through a gateway to Heaven...yep....quite a contrast.  I don't know if God is trying to tell me that I do not have Him in His rightful place right now...or if there is something else He is showing me through all of this, but I am pleased and thankful that He is speaking to me about it and I am praying I grasp the message...that I am teachable.

One thing I am seeing (and I am not going to say this to try to make myself look good in your eyes, so please don't take it that way)...I have been more faithful with my bible reading than in years past and I have noticed that things I am reading about definitely correspond with things I am experiencing.  It makes for an actual conversation...really...more ongoing than I have experienced before and I think I have really missed a lot of lessons for not being as faithful in the Word as I should have been.

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