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Friday, February 28, 2014

Hug a Snowman Day

I think we should start a National Hug A Snowman Day :)  

Well, I guess it couldn't be a national holiday, right?...DUH...snow people don't reside in all 50 states, but you know what I mean.

Maybe this would help melt some of our snow?

Hey, there are no bad ideas here...

Nope...this is cheating :)

I had to include this one...I am not sure if it is a hug, but this is my favorite...
I know this is something that would happen to me with my track record on skis...and, not on purpose! 

See, Olaf agrees and he is a snowman! 
So, why has no one thought of this before?
Just trying to rise above the temperatures.  I think if we all did our part, this could work.
Good day to you...and good night...don't let the frostbite bite!

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