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Monday, February 10, 2014

A Sweet Story

The past weekend was pretty busy for us, but that was good because I had also received some sad news on a couple fronts and it was good I kept busy.  Sometimes life can really take us on a roller coaster ride and in those times I am just so thankful that God is constant!

Today, I attended a funeral for a good friend's father.  It was a beautiful service and he had lived a long and full life, but, even so, it is difficult to say "see you later" to someone so dear.  He was in his 90's and, in a few more days, would have been celebrating 68 years of marriage to his wife, Ruth. When I arrived, I found out my friend was delivering the eulogy and I was not prepared with tissues...my friend that was sitting by me told me I could use the sleeve of her coat if I needed to...ha! that is called friendship!  Luckily, my friend started the eulogy with something funny..."Have you heard the one about the farmer?"  I would much rather begin my crying with a good laugh.  Her dad was a dairy farmer and he was quite the character, so there were a lot of great stories from his life.

One of my favorite stories was about how he and his wife met...He was putting some money into a vending machine to buy a candy bar and, instead of one coming out, two dropped to the bottom.  He gave the second to her :). I am not sure how long it was after that event that he proposed, but all the way home from the funeral I was smiling as I thought maybe that was the proposal.  I could see how that would make sense...Even if a man gives you his "accidental" chocolate, he's the ONE, right? :)!

Anyway, I thought that was pretty sweet!

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