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Monday, February 24, 2014

This Mix

What is this mix? How can I be?  
When did a speck of sand become the reality, ME?
HE thinks, it is.  Through power, HE gives breath. Unique, HIS way HIS specialty.
me...HAHA! A creation feat; raw, but perfect in life
Oh, to comprehend HIS ways, HIS wise...still HIS thoughts on me transform
HIS mind in me, HIS will before
this heart stirs passionate... HIM to seek
sought by LOVE...the ONE TRUE NEED
fulfillment floods my thirst-quenched soul
this mix, HIS LOVE, makes whole

I had a weekend of fun and crazy firsts...I was able to get my van out of the rut, but not without asking for help. (Why is it I always hate asking for assistance?)  Thanks to the two men working in my basement, my van was freed to allow me yet another trip to the grocery store :)  My driveway was a complete sheet of ice and my parents were coming to visit us to celebrate Karly's birthday a little early, so when I returned home...I parked closer to the end of my driveway so I wouldn't get stuck again and to prevent my parents from trying to come in too far and get stuck as well.  I realized I could bring groceries into the basement via sled instead of trying to climb the icy driveway, so that was a first and I felt a little like a sled dog :) When my parents arrived I knew my dad would be confused as to why my van was way down our driveway...so I was waiting for them with the sled.  I ran out to load up their luggage and tell them it was safer to just come through the snow to the basement than try to come to the garage or front door.  My mom didn't have her boots on, so I brought her to the basement on the sled too...she laughed all the way and told me that was a first.

This is random...but, cute....sled dogs on vacation :)

My dad has been helping us with all the electrical needs in our basement, so that has been so great to have his assistance and my mom is such a great creative influence for me, so it is always fun to bounce my ideas off of her and hear her ideas...I feel sorry for my dad and Brad because mom and I, when we are together, always think of things that have never been attempted before and ask dad and Brad to (somehow) make it happen.  I had fun shopping the thrift stores with her to find things for our basement and I was able to make old $2 sports T-shirts into decor for a wall that will be behind a ping-pong table....yay...that was fun!  AND, Brad is very happy with that!

I am getting really excited about being able to use this extra space!

For some reason, our property has become a winter trail for deer and turkeys...with the snow as deep as it has been, they look for shallow places to pass and we have a row of pine trees on the perimeter of our yard where the snow is not too high.  We have been enjoying watching them all pass...usually we see 6 or 7 deer in a group, but on Saturday night we started counting the ones we saw out our sliding glass door and we counted at least fifty...there must have been a party :)  That was a fun first as well!

On Sunday, we celebrated the installation service for our new pastor and just really praised God for His plans, His timing, and for a great hope for the future for our church in reaching our community for Christ. Please pray for the transition time for Pastor Toyer and his family and for he and Brad to learn to work together as a team for God's glory...all transition times can be challenging. 

It was definitely an interesting weekend...a mixed bag of sorts, with lots of different things going on at the same time.  I have been thinking God's creative work in us doesn't stop when we are born...He is constantly refining and creating new perspectives for us.  Even if we get stuck in a rut, He is able to get us out...if we will ask Him to...and I think those past "ruts" can become like a phrase or scripture that we have underlined to remind us of HIS power and HIS creativity in helping us overcome.  God bless you today!

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