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Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Tonight's Hopetown Kids Club lesson was on where to place our focus....the Olympic "Fit Bit" skit was about Lawrence Lemieux, a sailor who gave up his pursuit of a medal to save two other sailors from going under in treacherous waters.....and our scripture focus was the account of Jesus and Peter and the miracle of Peter walking on the water when he was focused on Christ.

Most of the time, we can and should have a "go for the gold" attitude...striving for personal excellence in each of our endeavors.  Not that I have ever been a gold medal winner, but I understand some of the challenges of a perfectionist.  There are times where an end result is dominating my thinking and actions and I forget to really seek to experience the journey as God would have me be in that moment and be aware of relationships, making them more important than my "finish line".

What You Want

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