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Saturday, July 9, 2016

Tell My WIFI 'll Miss Her :P

Well, that is a weird statement, right?!  We are getting ready to leave for a family vacation and the place where we will be staying will not have WIFI :P  It may be a while until I am able to blog again or check my Facebook feed...I have no idea what to expect...haha!  Brad was telling me a story about rodents of unusual size that live under this cottage last night and I was believing him because of a previous experience we had at what we affectionately remember as the "River Rat House".....then he told me he was kidding.....however, when he talked to the owner of the cottage later, she said to go through the cottage and check the mouse traps....hmmmm......OH, the memories, right?!!  Anyway, here are some likes for while I am away....hope you don't run out :P

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