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Friday, July 1, 2016

The girls took me on a trip through my house, then to our Jackson church, to Los Tres Amigos for dinner and to Parma Ice Cream for dessert....the whole time I got to find clues to the next location and 40 reasons why they love me.  They even had the restaurants involved in helping with this fun birthday scavenger hunt!

These girls are pretty awesome!  I love the reasons they thought of.......

1. You let us lick the brownie bowl
2. You pray for us even though we have probably given you too many reasons to pray for us (that one made me laugh)
3.You kept some of our artwork even though it was really bad
4. You teach us important facts of life
5. You forgive us
6. You are a pushover except when it really matters
7. Because you remember things
8. You let us keep the things we think are special
9. You are our #1 fan
10. You always can find our shoes
11. You taught us to believe in ourselves
12.  You are our MOM
13. You allow M&Ms in popcorn even if we have already had a sweet treat (how can I not? they go together!)
14. You gave me my eye color (from Karly)
15. Even when you are upset with us we know you still love us
16. You learned to like cats because we wanted one (haha...I love what they think of)
17. You are genuine
18. You never stop learning
19.  You make delicious food
20. You let us look at your old yearbook (this is funny because they make soooo much fun of me and the things I wrote in my yearbook)
21. You always help us match on special occasions
22. We wouldn't be alive without you...(so, I was a little confused by this because I thought they meant brought them all into the world, but they meant if they just had to live with daddy they are not sure they could survive....hehe!)
23. You have a funny and WEIRD sense of humor
24. You are glue that holds us together
25. You taught us to stand up for others
26. You have everything we need in your purse
27. Your smile makes everything OK
28. You work hard at everything you do
29. You know there are some things we have to figure out on our own
30. You must be doing things right because look how great we are....(hmmmmm...)
31. You are always there to post embarrassing pics of us on your blog
32.  You take us everywhere we need to go
33.  You carried three of us around for two years and chose two of us from hundreds of others
34.  You always make sure we have good friends
35. You help us stay on task even when we don't want to
36. You are so good at shopping for bargains...its like a superpower
37. You taught us how to make potatoes (YES, they are a little crazy about potatoes :P)
38.  You are kind
39. You are a role model
40. You take us to church every week and want to see us grow in our relationship with God.

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