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Friday, July 22, 2016

I am so proud of these girls!  They are part of Western Middle School's Cheer Team and they attended a Champion Camp this week and won the Determination Award...bringing home one of the prized megaphones.  We got to travel to Alma and watch their end of camp show to see the cheer they learned and some new stunts/lifts.  Kenna is really enjoying being a part of this team and she is one of their flyers this year.  Actually, you will probably be seeing more of these kind of pictures because all of my girls want to cheer this year....crazy, right?!  THE YEAR OF CHEER!  We have a few crazy weeks ahead of us now before school starts with more cheer camps, church camps, band camps and drama camps.....so BRACE YOURSELVES....summer camp pics are coming.  Seriously, why are you not bracing yourself? :P  Happy Friday!

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