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Friday, March 31, 2017

Hope Your Friday Doesn't Stink :)

I am having a little issue with Stink Bugs in my office at work.  They are such awkward bugs....they get into my lights, but they fly around like they are drunk or something...so I am always like..."Man, that thing is going to hit me in the head while I am trying to work"....I armed myself with an umbrella to try to stab at them in the light.....

I have probably tried to kill about 10 of them in the last two weeks....ewwww....and I am not calm while killing bugs :P  So, today, I was trying to kill one that kept hiding in the light above my head with my umbrella.  You know that feeling when you think you got it, but you cannot find it anywhere?!!!!!  I was looking all over for it in the light and on the floor....doesnt help that my carpet is the color, STINKBUG....haha!  THEN, I heard a noise and looked and it was ON THE HANDLE OF MY UMBRELLA.....RIGHT BY MY HAND.....AHHHHHHHHHH!

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