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Wednesday, March 8, 2017

This morning I was rummaging around in the fridge because it smells really funky, but I can't figure out what is causing the smell.  Karly came downstairs and was ready for me to give her a ride to school and she is wearing her fuzzy frog jammie pants today because they have special dress up days for reading month....

I was kidding around with her because frogs are....well.... not my favorite animal.  I do appreciate them for their role in the ecosystem and I am sure they are very important to the food chain, but I just wouldn't really want one as a pet.  Karly, very matter of factly, said to me..."Mom, frogs may be slimy, but they are misunderstood!!!"....what can you say after that?  I just drank some coffee :P

Please Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood

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