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Saturday, March 4, 2017

So, I am not sure how Biblically sound that statement is :)  HOWEVER, I am blessed/do suffer from deja vu and maybe something like empathetic intuition frequently.  I sometimes sense things I think may happen or I feel like what I am experiencing I have seen before....do you ever do that?  If so, do you ever want to test your hunches....like put the idea out there so you can have some proof that you maybe had the hunch before it happened?

I had one of those "intuitive aha moments" today and I'd love to say what it was about because the outcome is exciting, but I guess I am trying to discern whether those ideas originate from God or my own mind and I'm learning that sometimes those things are best left unsaid and just enjoyed as I watch God's plan unfold.  (Don't mind me.....I'm just going to leave myself a hint here so that I can look back a year from now and remember my aha moment "MARCH FORTH, Friends")

It would be funny though, if the statement above was somewhat correct and God couldn't help but show some of His friends a little peek into His plans because of how delightful they are :)

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