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Saturday, April 1, 2017

It's Not A Fairy Tale Without A Dragon, Right?

See, a dragon can actually be quite useful on a Saturday morning :P

I am amused and excited to have received the part of Dragon in Shrek The Musical.  My inner Disney Princess always hopes to land the sweet, pretty lead....haha....but this will definitely challenge me vocally so that is going to stretch me and get me out of my comfort zone...I am excited!

Karly and Kassi will also be in the show with me as there will be many fairy tale characters and kids chorus parts.  They are also looking forward to the opportunity to perform and have lots of fun!

I told my coworkers I got the part during a check in meeting at work and they definitely can't see me as a dragon...haha.  I work at a Christian university, so after our check in meeting we always have a time of prayer.  At the end of his prayer, my coworker said, "And God, thank you for our dragon....I pray she stays lit".....hahaha....most interesting prayer someone has prayed for me!

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