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Tuesday, April 18, 2017

My girls were being silly over the weekend and making up new lyrics to the We Believe song by the Newsboys.  I was laughing at it because they added....we believe in Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, unicorns, leprechauns, the Easter Bunny, EVEN the Green Giant and Little Debbie and they were going on and on with hilariously crazy characters they have seen on TV commercials.  Such silly fun! :P

It can be tough to learn that things you dream about aren't always as they seem and my youngest daughter learned a few tough realities recently as she cornered me with her direct questions.  I was thrilled when we saw The Case For Christ over the weekend that she was the one who really enjoyed it because she is only 9 and I wondered if she would like it.  The morning after the movie she gave me a hug and told me she loved the movie.  I asked her what she liked about it and she said that it showed how Jesus IS REAL and not make believe.  I asked her if she remembered all the tests Lee Strobel tried to use to prove that the resurrection was fake and she could name the places Lee went and what he asked about in his pursuit to prove Christianity false.  I am so glad we saw that and God used that to strengthen Karly's faith....WOW, you just never know how God will use things and the timing of the lessons.  :)

We Believe

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