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Friday, April 28, 2017

Have you heard this funny quote..."Who are you and how'd you get in here?"..."I'm a locksmith.  And, I'm a locksmith." - Leslie Nielsen  :)

Tonight, my family decided to try one of those escape rooms....it was a steampunk theme and was set up like a old time scientist lab....we had to put together clues and find hidden patterns, keys, ciphers, puzzles, codes, shapes, numbers, underlined letters in words, calculate amounts of things listed in article clippings....we had to heat something up with a blowdryer for a hidden message....that was probably my favorite thing because I was blowdrying almost everything in the room trying to see what it worked on....haha.... and we used a black light to shine on a message and had to figure out these magnetic thingies.....absolutely crazy awesome mind games!!!

I was looking for something fun to post in my blog about this and I saw the picture above....it just hit me tonight.  We did not escape the room.....we were really only maybe 2 minutes away from the solve...our Game Master was excited for how far we had gotten with having some younger kids with us.  The girls were amazing and I was impressed with how well they could handle the riddles and puzzles, but one thing that struck me was something one of the "Game Masters" told us in our instruction time.  He said, "Don't forget to communicate because many teams don't make it out due to a lack of communication"..."He said, the younger ones may see something you don't see and you really need to listen and share to put all the pieces together to get out."

The keys to get through this life....to overcome the evil one....are the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony.  The word of our testimony is our story....our experience.....what we have and are seeing....the clues we have found to make sense of our faith....the cipher to our discovery of truth.....the patterns where GOD has shown up for us....the light which has illuminated our path.  When we communicate these elements of our faith, we are handing out key after key after key to our teammates to make their solution that much easier....to give them answers to the tough questions of their hearts.

I am not a locksmith.....and I am not a locksmith.....but, I have a lot of keys I have picked up on my way through life so far and I know God is and will give me more.  I wonder what this one's for?  :)

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