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Sunday, April 10, 2016

Your Place Card

When we were preparing to paint the rail road signs yesterday we put an old painting sheet over our dining room table....it changed the look of that room and made me really want to set the table sometime for a fancy dinner with a real tablecloth :P  I think the picture with the verse below is beautiful.  I guess this is serving as my pinterest today....I'll save the pretties into my blog and enjoy reading it later when I look again for this picture.

I have to love David for the way he shares his heart through the Psalms....especially the line below, "You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies"  David fled from so many enemies....he probably knew what it was like to be eating on the run....totally different than how we might think of that.  Even a central part of a Passover celebration for the Jews requires them to eat bread with no yeast.....unleavened matsa....this is because they had to eat in haste to flee the Egyptians during that time...no time to allow their bread to rise...and they repeat this every year during this feast to remember and rehearse.

BUT HERE....David describes a picture where there is no fear of an enemy....not that there is no enemy, NO, the enemy is actually present.....but God prepares a feast right here in the middle of a battlefield.  This can't be describing Heaven, right?....because there will be no more foes then.  This is now..in this moment....in the middle of the struggles and disappointments...in the heat of the battles and the exhaustion from the fight....right here there is a table set for me....set for you.

Bon Appetit

The Table

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