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Monday, April 4, 2016

I can cut a piece of wood in half just by looking at it.....it's true, I saw it with my own eyes :P

Wow, tough crowd.

So, we made some arrangements to have a few more trees taken down in our extra lot....operation wedding garden phase two.  You know usually when people say things have phases they mean like three phases, but my wedding garden is going to have tons of phases.  We thought the job would happen last week, but we never heard from the tree people....then today, as I was getting ready for work a couple trucks with trailers pulled in.  The girls were already complaining yesterday about having snow during their Spring Break....now they get to wake up early to chain saws....hehe....I probably shouldn't laugh at that, but it definitely gave them some entertainment to watch the trees falling today :P  And tonight, there was a large branch jammed into the ground from falling off the tree, so we took turns pretending it was Excalibur.  

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