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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Over the years I am realizing you cannot protect yourself from everything....you cannot always protect your kids or those who you love from things that may break their hearts...or even from their own decisions which may leave some scars.  Sometimes, the more you try to protect in your own strength, the more you injure because gradually, or eventually, people have to learn to process life and make decisions for themselves.

I read a thought on this verse today.....it went something like, "guarding your heart is not about blocking everything out"....I would add.....that scares you, worries you....that you don't think you can handle.  No, the way to guard your heart is not as much about what you block out as what you let in.  If you fill your heart with Christ, you can discern how to handle all other things....you can see your priorities clearly....and monsters become harmless to you....you can LOVE your enemies and those who mean you harm...you can even let them into your heart because your heart is guarded completely by Christ Jesus.

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