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Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Psalm 4:7

We started studying Experiencing God by John Piper tonight.  This beginning study was about Christian Hedonism.....I know Hedonism has a very negative connotation, but this is basically a belief that we can find complete joy in Christ and we don't need to feel guilty for our enjoyment of our relationship with Him nor the benefits of obeying Him that He clearly confirms to us in Scripture.  I don't know if that is so much of an issue now in churches, but it used to be a pretty common belief that if you were having too much fun, you must not be seriously holy.  I acknowledge there is a line that can be crossed where one can become irreverent, but Holiness is not the opposite of being wholly joyful while enjoying the life God has given us and knowing and serving Christ.

I read one explanation of Christian Hedonism and came upon the concept taken from scripture that we should approach each day as if there is a treasure for us to find in a field.  We sell everything we own to obtain the field because we know the treasure is there and that is greater than anything we could ever own.  So, we put 100% into each day (that is our "selling everything") and we "own" every situation we encounter for Christ (we buy the field)....and there is a treasure in that day....in those moments.  A lot of our treasures await us in Heaven, but I think God gets so excited that we are seeking Him that sometimes He allows our Heavenly rewards to spill over onto the earth and splash us.


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