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Sunday, January 31, 2016

Somewhere Between Heaven And Mirth

This has been the strangest weekend for odd happenings. Today, I was going into a little area at our Parma church where there is coffee and other breakfast items to choose from before the service.  There is a separate table or pedestal really where there is a bottle of hand sanitizer.  I walked over to that and right beside it on that pedestal was a pregnancy test.  I thought, "what in the world?!....I need to dispose of this somewhere."  Then I started thinking, "BUT, I wonder if this is someone's way of announcing to the church that they are expecting?"  I carefully picked it up and was looking at the indicator lines to see what it said....this particular test was reading, "Not pregnant"....so I don't think someone was planning to use that as an announcement.  I carried it to some of the other ladies who were working in the kitchen to dispose of it and they were just as surprised as I was that I had discovered it.

When I walked back out to the area where people sit to visit together, I started relaying the story to my father-in-law and another lady stopped by me and said, "Oh, I saw you with that and thought it was yours!"  She thought I had been showing the ladies in the kitchen that I WAS PREGNANT!  HAHA! (Well, my girls would definitely be hoping for a baby brother :) I thought, "Oh, my goodness.....who else saw that scenario play out and thought that too?"  Word of that will probably make it to the Jackson church before I do...if it isn't already posted on Facebook!  CRAZINESS!

When the strangeness wore off, I started wondering about the person who left it there....was the news it gave them a relief or was it sad news?  And for whatever reason it was there...maybe there was a reason I found it....so many other people pass that way before I do on a Sunday morning because we have sound checks before I grab a quick cup of coffee or a bite to eat. I decided maybe God wants me to pray for them.  It doesn't matter that I know the situation or the person....sometimes it must be better that I don't....otherwise wouldn't God just reveal everything to me now?  God has interesting ways to share prayer requests, doesn't He?

In Earth As It Is In Heaven

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Okay, so you know how you hear people talking about something and you have a totally different idea of what is going on than what is really happening?  It happens to me often, so that is why I try to remain quiet until I figure things out. :P  Anyway, after Kenna's cheer meet we went to celebrate the 4th birthday of one of our godsons.  As we were walking in the door of the house, a bunch of other people were walking into the master bedroom and I heard my friend say, "He made the bed".....So, I am thinking.....everyone is going into their bedroom because she wants to show them he made the bed today?.....seriously?....ha!  So, I hurried to the doorway of their room too because I was SOOO curious....then, I just started cracking up because he actually MADE the bed....headboard, footboard....the whole thing :P

Sawing logs?.....now I get it!
Good night.

What Goes Up....

Danielle was throwing this ball in the air and it got stuck to the ceiling.

We really appreciate the Western Cheer Coaches, Coach Jackie and Coach Jessica!
Today is Kenna's last cheer meet for this season and Western is hosting the event.....21 teams are participating!  We couldn't begin set up for the event until the basketball game was over, so it was a bit of a late night rolling out the mats and setting up chairs and tables for guests and judges.

We are so thankful for the time and effort these ladies voluntarily give to allow our girls these wonderful opportunities to excel!

Friday, January 29, 2016

Happy Friday!

He who believes in Me....out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.
~John 7:38~

One of my favorite things about searching for Forrest Fenn's treasure has to be the rivers.  When we traveled to Montana and Wyoming to search a couple years ago, it was GORGEOUS!  The mountains and the rivers are breathtaking!  When the snow melts from the mountains and flows into the rivers, they become so powerful.  I love that Jesus uses the metaphor of a river here in this verse....and NOT just one river....RIVERS!  Rivers are so strong and persistent...either they break through obstacles or they make their way around them, but rivers don't give up.  And rivers branch off to form new rivers, streams, and creeks....I have been tracing one stream that isn't even named as I search for Forrest Fenn's treasure and I get a little giddy wondering if he would actually hide something of that great value on the banks of an UNNAMED creek.  (I'm thinking he would do it...:)  But, as WE are faithful, rivers of blessing flow from us too and we might never even know who will be impacted by each drop....or what form our blessings will take in their lives.

Walking in the snow was fun yesterday....I am wondering how my Brazilian student really feels about this weather :)

Before The River Came

Thursday, January 28, 2016

I have a big praise!  My student from Brazil made it to Michigan for school.....and I didn't completely bite all my fingernails while waiting to see if she made it through customs with the paperwork I had to figure out for her :)  I am starting to feel like I am learning a little somethin' somethin' about all this immigration stuff....and I am thankful the Lord answered my prayer to allow for this process to go smoothly for my student and her mom.

Can you imagine trying to engineer the building of this structure in Brazil?  I read a story of a class who was asked to write down the Seven Wonders of the World...as they all thought about it, they disagreed on some of the marvels, but the following got the most votes from the class:

1. Egypt's Great Pyramids
2. Taj Mahal
3. Grand Canyon
4. Panama Canal
5. Empire State Building
6. St. Peter's Basilica
7. China's Great Wall
While the teacher was collecting all the votes, she noticed one student had not turned in the paper.  She asked the young lady if she was having a little trouble with the assignment.  The girl replied, "Yes, a little....I couldn't make up my mind because there were so many!"  The teacher replied, "Why don't you tell us what you have and maybe we can help."  The girl hesitated a little and then read her list, "I think the Seven Wonders of the World are....to touch, to taste, to see, to hear, to feel, to laugh, and to love."
(So true, right?!).... I know!
That room was full of silence.
The things we often overlook;
they seem "ordinary" but they
may be extraordinary answers
to our simple prayers for God
to make a way through for us.
Our Redeemer, yes, HE LIVES.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

There is an account of a man in the book of Zechariah who is planning to measure Jerusalem and calculate it's width and length.  Then two angels intervene, one passes the other a special message to deliver to this man.  The message of the angels is that Jerusalem will be a bustling city WITHOUT WALLS...(in other words, no need to measure and calculate, I guess).....

"For I,' says the Lord, 'will be a wall of fire all around her, and I will be the glory in her midst.'"
~Zechariah 2:5~

We studied Nehemiah again tonight in our Bible Study.  Last week, we learned how distraught he had been when he learned the walls of Jerusalem had been destroyed.  Though it had never been his home, his heart's passion was there and was for his people and, most importantly, THE WILL of HIS GOD.  He fasted and prayed for days and God gave him a burning passion to rebuild.

Tonight, we talked about prayer and the importance of our connection with GOD.  More specifically, we discussed the importance of having intentional time set aside to pray in earnest and listen to GOD as well as keeping the connection going all throughout our days as situations arise that we can surrender to GOD in quick prayers for wisdom, right attitude, humility....etc.  The scripture passage we were studying actually described how Nehemiah had prayed in earnest about his burden....then he went about his ordinary job.  God opened up an opportunity for his prayer to be answered through a conversation Nehemiah had with the king (while working).  The king asked him a question, but before the scripture tells us what Nehemiah responded, the Bible says he prayed.  That was probably a really quick prayer since we are not given the words and I am sure no one would want to keep a king waiting very long :)  BUT, I think it is important that we know Nehemiah prayed before answering.

God does desire to give us these holy burdens....these burning desires to see His Will accomplished in our lives and the lives of those we can influence....BUT, we will not experience His holy fire without prayerfully seeking after His heart.

If My Calculations Are Correct

Every day is so interesting to me...do you ever say, "Okay, Lord....I guess this is what we are doing today." :P  So, in the middle of sorting through all the messes with email systems changing at work, today my boss talked about completely overhauling our scholarshipping processes.....STARTING (drumroll, please) TODAY....HA!  I am weird because when I reach a certain level of chaos, I just start laughing....that could be considered madness by some, but it is my preferred way to cope.

Me and a colleague accept students and award their academic scholarships, so we had to quickly figure out how to implement the new process.  Even though it will mean extra work for us for a while, I think the changes to calculating scholarships will benefit a "boatload" of families...that's exciting!

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Warning Gymnast

Could Flip Out At Any Moment :)

Karly has been making progress with her tumbling skills.  After the first day she got the back handspring she jammed her finger a little bit and didn't want to "get back on the horse"....but I have been strongly encouraging her to get over her fear of it and to take steps forward instead of backward.  On Saturday, she finally felt comfortable with the back handspring again on her own.  Now she is working on putting the round-off and back handspring together.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Way Beyond The Blues

After a deep breath of perspective...

So much.

I worked a couple extra hours tonight and I think I figured out a way through some red tape for my student from Brazil :)  Challenges always push us to learn something new and then we can feel some accomplishment.  I cooperated with another DSO from a school in California to make some headway and I brought something to his attention about her situation to which he responded, "Good catch!"  You know those moments when you are like, "WOW, I actually did something right!"

Then I got to end the day with a jazz concert at the high school....that's the perfect genre for a stressful day.  God already knew..."do Lord, oh do Lord"....you always do remember me.

Da, dada, Da, Da (You Know, Like Blues Music :)

That stinks! (But, it is amusing that they are called Honey Buckets...like somehow the word "honey" makes it all better) :P  WOW, today was crazy....the situation above did not happen to me, but today was challenging.  At work, they are moving everyone from our system email account to a cloud-based email system, so it is creating a little chaos on campus with aliases and email accounts not syncing.  My job relies very heavily on email because I have a personal account and I receive all the general admission inquiries via email and I either have to respond to those inquiries or forward them along to the correct contact person for a reply.....today all my emails were bouncing back as undeliverable and I spent a lot of time talking with Tech Services and trying different solutions.  The only way we found around it was for me to first forward all the emails to my personal email account and then forward them on to the individuals they belong to....funny...but, it worked for today.

I am also trying to bring in a student from Brazil for the Spring semester....which starts this week.  We are having issues with her VISA documentation because she is transferring from another school who also has to have everything correct in the system we use to document our international students.....anyway, I am hoping and praying she is able to travel and she doesn't get denied entry.  I'm thinking I should just go to Brazil to help her with this :P

Those two challenges kept me very busy today.....and I laughed as I was driving home because I just started singing "SHE WORKS HARD FOR THE MONEY!" without planning to.....do you ever do that?

And Be Glad In It

I just love Andrew Peterson's music...last night I listened to some of it and I really appreciate how he shares the gospel through it.....I always feel like it is so real and hopeful...

Again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again....
we have this choice.


A good and glad morning to you!

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Our pastor shared some interesting statistics with us today at church.....did you know.....

We spend 25 years of our lives sleeping
We work for 10.3 years
Women spend about 17 years of their lives trying to lose weight
We watch TV for 9.1 years....2 years just watching commercials
We spend 1.1 years cleaning (that says something compared to the TV watching....ha!)
We spend 3.66 years eating
We drive a car for 4.3 years....3 months of that we are stuck in traffic....

Serve Hymn

Saturday, January 23, 2016

The Best Things In Life Are Sweet

This was the big day for our first family cupcake battle...

Our ingredient arsenal

 Opposing forces....negotiating a ceasefire....the crisis needed some cooling off

So the girls got to go ice skating with some friends from school....the Parma PTA planned a great event....ice skating and dinner at Bob Evans :P  Someone surprised us and paid for our dinner....THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

I think I mentioned the girls decided to make cupcakes with a creation theme.  Both teams read through the account of creation in Genesis and came up with an idea...and both teams were inspired this round to choose day number 3 of creation.  Vannah, Kassi, and Danielle decided to celebrate how God made dry land and separated the water from the land by making these beach cupcakes......they turned out SO CUTE....there's the water, graham cracker sand for the beach, a stick of gum folded for a lawn chair, a cherry for a beach ball and the little umbrella.....great job girls!  AND, they plated it very nicely!

McKenna and Karly decided they wanted to do something to celebrate plants and trees, so they (along with me) decided to celebrate that God made seed bearing plants....we got super NUTTY....and created a peanut butter cupcake with hazelnut icing and an (edible) acorn on top.  

 I think I surrender (at least it's a sweet surrender :)  Cupcake Wars are grueling!  

I am thankful for all God has given to us....He is an amazing creator!

It's Cupcake O'Clock

We are gearing up for our first cupcake war....the girls picked a theme yesterday....the Days of Creation....and then we divided into teams to plan our first flavor and design.  Vannah, Kassi, and Danielle are on one team and Kenna, Karly and I are on the other team.  It was funny because after each went to separate rooms to look over the story of creation in Genesis and discuss their ideas, both teams decided to create a cupcake celebrating Day 3.....I'm making my grocery list :)

And there were cupcakes....and they were good :P

Friday, January 22, 2016

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Front Porch Wisdom

Sometimes God gives us lessons on the same topic...BOOM, BOOM, BOOM...(or, in sequence :) you know?  When we are working through our own struggles...work is stressful, we are facing some disappointment, life just seems harder than it should be....it is tough to be compassionate...understandably, because our focus is on our current situation.  But, we can fight to see beyond that and to experience peace in the midst of it.  So, I read the Our Daily Bread devotional for today and it really gave more insight on compassion...like what I started to talk about from my lesson out of Nehemiah last night. Here's a story from it that I thought would be so refreshing if I were in the same situation:

"....When we were going through a particularly challenging time with our son, a friend pulled me aside after a church meeting. “I want you to know that I pray for you and your son every day,” he said. Then he added: “I feel so guilty.”  “Why?” I asked. “Because I’ve never had to deal with prodigal children,” he said. “My kids pretty much played by the rules. But it wasn’t because of anything I did or didn’t do. Kids,” he shrugged, “make their own choices.”  I wanted to hug him. His compassion was a reminder, a gift from God, communicating to me the Father’s understanding for my struggle with my son.  No one understands the struggle with prodigals better than our heavenly Father. The story of the prodigal son in Luke 15 is our story and God’s. Jesus told it on behalf of all sinners who so desperately need to come home to their Creator and discover the warmth of a loving relationship with Him.  Jesus is God in the flesh seeing us in the distance and looking on us with compassion. He is God running to us and throwing His arms around us. He is heaven’s kiss welcoming the repentant sinner home (v. 20).  God hasn’t just left the porch light on for us. He’s out on the front porch watching, waiting, calling us home.  We ask again today, Lord, that our prodigals would come home."

Isn't this cross made out of pieces of an old door an awesome idea for someone who is praying for a prodigal to come home?  I LOVE it for the STYLE....but also the MESSAGE!  If that is you....if you are praying for a prodigal in your life....I pray for miracles at your front door.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

"When The Dust Of This World Clears"

Brad and I started a Bible study tonight walking through the book of Nehemiah.  That is not a book I read from very often, but I found this first night extremely insightful and am excited about the rest.  Nehemiah's reaction when he finds out the walls of Jerusalem are broken down and the gates are burned is such a powerful beginning to this book and to teach us to put the Will of God above our own happiness.  He was actually living in luxury as the King's cup-bearer at that time....eating choice foods and drinking the King's best wines....YET HIS GOD AND THE FUTURE OF HIS PEOPLE WERE MORE IMPORTANT TO HIM THAN THIS LIFESTYLE.  So much so, that he was willing to give it all up for the purpose of rebuilding for the Lord.

When we live in comfort and the pursuit of happiness, we can tend to start associating our pleasures to our own efforts to achieve them as if we deserve them....."I must have done A, B, and C right to have what I have..." Even though I do think God rewards our obedience and faithfulness, I still think this is the wrong mentality.  The leader of our study said something I thought was profound and I am turning it over in my mind so it can take full effect.  He said when we start taking ownership for our blessings, we start making compassion impossible.  I think that is true....we start looking at others and judging them...."if only they would have done A, B and C....they wouldn't be in this mess".....maybe that is true....BUT, what is good about me?  What causes me to choose wisely when I do?  What, in turn (or absolutely not associated with my actions, thoughts or motivations), blesses my life with goodness?.....ON ALL ACCOUNTS, GOD....only GOD.  If we really could see that GOD is the only good within us...would that increase our compassion?  I think it would.

The Only Thing

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Copy Right

A couple days ago Savannah came home and told me she was disappointed in me that I only blogged once that day.  I said, "Look, I am a blogger and a treasure hunter now.....cut me some slack" :P  She said, "Well, how am I supposed to learn to be a treasure hunter and a blogger from you if you slack off?"....Then we had a conversation about how she is going to be a cupcake baker and now we are pondering having our own cupcake war.  I was thinking about all that.....I love that she likes to read my blog....if for no other reason, I hope these thoughts and jotting down some of our favorite family times will be meaningful to the girls as they grow up and want to remember things.  I was also struck by the underlying message in that conversation that our kids do imitate us....they really do learn from us.

(I've always thought people who could draw those 3-D looking banners were way cool :)

Monday, January 18, 2016

"Be Sure You Put Your Feet In The Right Place, Then Stand Firm."

I think it is significant to note where Martin Luther King, Jr stood when he delivered his "I Have A Dream" speech.  It won't take you too long to Google it :P

I loved discovering the historical significance of that location, but where he really STOOD....that makes me even more appreciative and grateful for him and the "conduct of his character".

We should all speak from a heart of surrender at the foot of the cross.

Some Things Are Black And White

But they're never about the melanin in our skin....

Reflecting the light of Christ in the face of darkness by always choosing to show the LOVE of GOD
....there's nothing gray about that.  

I am thankful for Martin Luther King, Jr and others who have dared, like him, to look national sins face-to-face and speak truth in love.  His commitment to Biblical principles like love, compassion, justice, forgiveness, service, and humility are principles that God uses to heal nations.

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and heal their land. ~ 2 Chronicles 7:14 ~

Sunday, January 17, 2016

This morning was interesting because we woke up to a scheduled power outage....well, sort-of scheduled....it was supposed to be last Sunday, but the weather was bad, so they rescheduled the scheduled power outage for this morning at 7am.  We had forgotten about that possibility until last night...then Brad said, "hey, I think maybe our power will be out in the morning since they are working on the lines."  That made for an interesting challenge as we tried to get ready for church.  Brad has a flashlight function on his cell phone which I was trying to use to do my makeup, but somehow we got it stuck on flashing....a little dot of blush.....wait....a little more.....wait :P  When it was time to wake up the girls for church, Vannah said, "Powers out?  I'm out!" and rolled over. (My favorite quote of the day).  So everyone was at least able to get dressed with candles and flashing flashlights.  Kenna and Vannah brought their makeup to the Parma church to finish up.  On the way to Jackson, Brad saw Kenna's makeup sitting next to me and said "Is this your makeup bag?"  I said, "don't call me a bag"....I don't know why those weird comments are funny to me, but I don't seem to tire of them and the eye rolls I get when I say them.  Then Kenna told me I actually am a dirt bag and got all theological on us about how God made us from dirt :)....and, interestingly, one of the definitions for dirt bag is having an unkempt appearance....which I definitely felt from getting ready in the dark.  I love the conversations we have in the minivan....I really do think minivans get a bad rap because ours is a ton of fun....most of the time!

The message our pastor shared with us was about growing in Christ.  He used the scripture from 1 Corinthians 3 that asks, who is Paul?  Who is Apollos?....and all I could think about was what Kenna had said...."Dirt bags".....I mean no insult by that, it was just amusing to me.  Yes, we are made from dirt....We can sew seeds and we can water, but only GOD makes things grow.  We are GOD's field and we are in GOD's field.  We will be accountable for the work we have done, but HE should always get the credit for all the growth!

That was a perfect illustration because our previous neighbors were welcomed into church membership today.  I was thinking back on meeting them, living next door to them, occasionally inviting them to church, Brad's ministry to them through funerals for their loved ones and other meaningful conversations, their decisions to follow Christ, attend a membership class, get involved with a Life Group, get married, get baptized and officially join a family of believers.  LOOK WHAT GOD IS GROWING :)  What a privilege it is to be a part of that!

Saturday, January 16, 2016

The All Around Great Day

We got to watch McKenna cheer this morning and then we traveled to Ann Arbor to partake of a Christmas present we received from some friends.  We got to watch the U of M gymnastics team compete against Ohio State.....that was pretty amazing....the U of M team is ranked #1 in the nation right now.

We met the U of M Stormtrooper...I actually had a conversation with him which is weird because then you start thinking....should I be treating you like a Stormtrooper right now or are we just chatting? :P  Brad asked him if he smiled for our picture with him.  He said he always smiles.

So proud of this guy...he does so many "girl" things and he does them with a great attitude.  AWESOME DAD!

These girls were SOOOOOO HAPPY!

I play this game where I try to capture moments with my phone camera.....it is really not a good action camera, but I still try....I really wanted to get something that showed how high up these girls were getting during their tumbling runs.  Most of my shots are totally blurry where you're just like "where is the girl in this picture anyway?"....but this one made me happy!

These girls are incredible athletes!

Karly and her gymnastics BFF, Grace, getting autographs after the meet.  They were so pumped.....they were saying, "We can do this if we BELIEVE!"  They wanted to go practice their beam routines right after the event was over...but we got milkshakes instead. :P

Friday, January 15, 2016

Because I Think Before And After Pictures Are Fun

I got a haircut today because my hair has been wild lately....so much that my husband commented....that is rare for him.


It always takes me a while to get used to change, but I think I will like it this way.

So I am humming this song today for an amusing reason....at least amusing to me.  I have been reading and studying Forrest Fenn's poem again...he's the millionaire who secreted a treasure somewhere in the Rocky Mountains.  Anyway, Brad brought it back to my mind again a couple days ago.  I had buried it because he was annoyed that I was obsessed with it....so when HE brought it back up, I was like...OKAY, I guess I can start studying again :P  Anyway, I am realizing (in this significant year of my life) that I can only read and look at maps for a little while before the words put on their fuzzy sweaters...they must be cold too...NO, I probably need spectacles....so I can research and speculate on important things...like where a treasure is located :)

Brad and I both thought I had signed us up for vision insurance this year because we both...and a couple of our girls...need glasses, but we hadn't received anything in the mail....so I was wondering if I actually did opt for that insurance.  I emailed a lady in our Human Resources Office to check and laughed at my own email because I wasn't trying to be funny...I said, "I think I signed up for vision insurance, but I haven't seen anything yet..." :P  Yep, it's Friday....and I think the treasure is located in a place that looks very similar to this....but, WE SHALL SEE :)  Happy Friday!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

New Wine

The passage where Jesus describes the problems with a new piece of cloth being sewn to an old garment and trying to fill old wine skins with new wine is a little strange.  I have been thinking about that for a couple days.  I don't think it was coincidental that Jesus called unschooled, ordinary men.  We can become pretty set in our ways....the way we believe, the way we judge situations or people, our "SELF" confidence and, in turn, how we act to influence our world....there can actually come a time where we are unwilling to change or even accept the change that is happening around us.  I think that is why the Bible talks about how Jesus was a stumbling block to the Jews and foolishness to the Gentiles.  He was totally different and bringing ideas that were totally different than either group of people had ever heard of.  What would it really take for them to accept him?

That is why we never can just add Jesus to our current way of life.....Jesus cannot be an accessory because He can never just mix in with our "old" man.  We must experience the death of our old selves before we can experience His newness.....we cannot even be a part of Him (like the cloth that would tear) or carry the Good News (like the old wine skins which would burst) without first experiencing this death.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Hello, Snow!

The girls have a snow day today :)  Vannah told me this morning that there was a video of a teacher who revamped the words to Adele's song, Hello, to be about snow days!.....thought I'd share it.


Faithful Friends

We read one of my favorite passages of scripture last night.  It is the account of the friends who carried their paralyzed brother to Jesus for healing....when they couldn't find a way in through the door, they tore the roof off the place :)  When Danielle starting reading the passage, Karly leaned over to me and whispered, "Oh, I love this story!" ME TOO....SO MUCH!  I love the loyalty and friendship they showed....they had a determined faith and awesome love....and I love Jesus's response to the situation.  All accounts of this event say, "When He saw THEIR faith".....we really don't know whether or not the man had faith at that point, but we know his friends did.....seems to me that the faith of his friends was just what Jesus was looking for in order to heal the man.

That should be extremely great news!  When we bring others before Jesus....it could be that our faith.....our devoted friendship coupled with our faith.....is just what Jesus is looking for to give them healing.  Don't give up finding ways to pray for them.  Even if they feel hopeless or are lacking in faith, your faith can be strong enough to carry them.

Monday, January 11, 2016

My hair gets crazy in the winter...there is a fine line between oily hair and dry hair for me...I am learning when you have fine hair....that line is very fine. I know it's bad when my husband starts asking if I have an appointment for a haircut because he usually doesn't care about hair matters :P  It has been dry and full of static lately...like I am touching one of those plasma ball things.... HA!

I actually mayonnaised it last night and slept with a scarf on my head to try and get it super conditioned...NOTE:  If you ever decide to mayonnaise your hair....dilute it.....significantly!  It is extremely hard to wash out!

Best In Snow

Happy Monday!