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Saturday, June 18, 2016

This day was just as I would wish.....and I haven't even blown out any candles for my birthday yet :P

The view from our hotel....

Off to look for treasure....who's excited?!...ha! :P

Doesn't the rock look like gold?....the bottom of the riverbed on the South Fork of the Madison

A tree stump graveyard....hmmmm..."brave and in the wood"?


Hiking along the river for a little while...I wrote Forrest Fenn a message today about where I was going to look this time and why and he said to be careful wading in the Madison because the rocks can be slippery.....I STILL LOVE THAT I CAN EMAIL HIM and he sometimes writes me back....I wish, however, that this solving the clues to the treasure business was like a Mastermind game and he would tell me how many clues I have correct or incorrect :P

These are my awesome waterproof boots...I have tested them in water and no water can get in unless it is over the top of them...no reason  :)

We climbed to the top of a lookout point....it took my breath away....



There is a little theatre in West Yellowstone called the Play Mill.  I saw they were performing Singing In The Rain...one of my all time favorites, so we went tonight.....

TOTALLY AWESOME!  I would see it again!  Actually, that made me wish I could open a small theatre.  If you are ever in West Yellowstone, you should go to one of their shows!

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed looking at your search photos. How did you end up at this particular spot? I'm headed to Yellowstone myself very soon so I'm curious what's already been searched.
