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Thursday, June 30, 2016

"It Is Your Birthday" - Dwight Schrute

Some days I find many things at my office very comparable to this show :)

They were super nice to me.....however, I have a birthday buddy in the office and they took all the leftover streamers, unrolled them, and dumped them on the top of his desk...not in a pretty way....in a "your office may have exploded!" way.


So, this guy from another office came over to our office today and he asked me if I decorated my own office for my birthday :P (Yes, and my roses should be delivered anytime now)......after I answered him, he said "that's really funny that they put a 40 on the happy birthday sign"  (Did I ever tell you almost everyone I work with is 20-something...haha!)  40, that's a knee slapper!

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