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Thursday, June 9, 2016

I Second That!

Everyone deserves a second chance, right?

I have been hoping for one more chance to search for Forrest Fenn's treasure.  I loved our trip out West several years ago, but I hadn't spent enough time walking around in his riddle to really think about the possible clues he had hidden in there and how he may use those to give specific directions to someone....like when you and I might say, "start at this exact spot...go this many miles....turn right or left here".  Anyway, after I started thinking about it in those simple and direct ways, some things stood out differently to me.  I turn 40 soon and Brad was asking me what I wanted for my birthday.....so I mentioned I want one more opportunity to check out a spot where I think Forrest's clues lead.....so we are taking a short trip out West soon to check it out!  YAHOO!  I know Brad is not as into the whole treasure hunt thing as I am, but I am so thankful he is willing to go there with me :)

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