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Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Our Wednesday night Life Group study is really challenging me.  We are making our way through a Desiring God Study with John Piper and each week seems to give me more "AHA" moments and challenges.  This week I was just struck by really how tiny my faith might be even when I think it is huge.  If I really believe I am saved, that should transcend to every part of my being...actions, attitudes, hopes, desires....I was also struck by how large my pride might be when I think that it is miniscule....  how pride and arrogance is one side of the coin, but self pity can be another side of pride....feeling like you are sacrificing a lot for the Lord or that you deserve something better than your current situation...even those thoughts can be based in pride.

We studied a conversation Peter had with Jesus starting in Matthew 19:27....Peter basically says, "Look, we gave up everything to follow you, what is left for us now?"  And Jesus responds to him reminding him that he will receive much more than what he has given up....making Peter's "sacrifice" really pale in comparison.

I was thinking about that on the way home and my own rotten attitudes sometimes....because when we really love someone, we want to give our all to them.....for them.  We long for chances to give something because we are extremely pleased by making them happy....our delight is actually derived from giving delight (isn't that funny?  AWESOME, really!)...Love makes us the most cheerful GIVERS ever.....and this is how it should be between us and God as well.

.....and if my desire is to delight in the Lord....this is endless joy!

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