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Saturday, June 4, 2016

I'm Into All That Sappy Stuff...

Like....flowers in her hair....

After painting the wildflowers last night, I started thinking about all the wildflowers around my house right now...lots of purples and whites.....so I mentioned to the girls that we should make some flower crowns and do a little photo shoot in our yard.  Vannah and I took some fun pictures today :)  I took some of Vannah too, but she had not cleaned up and did not want me to include her pics in the blog this time.

My favorite artistic pic.....I love how something as simple as grass can make a lovely background.

I will tell you a funny story....so, after all the girls pictures, I decided to put on one of the crowns and get a selfie....

I leaned against that tree behind me for a "great" shot and afterwards I had tons of sap stuck in the back of my hair.....oh my goodness....it was a MESS....you can actually see the sap coming out of the tree in the picture above where I am CLUELESS as to what is about to happen to me.  Then, I had to cake the back of my head with peanut butter to try to comb out the sap.....AWESOME!  Now I emit the fragrance of pine and peanut butter....and just in time for date night....hehe!  It is a wonder he takes me anywhere :P

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