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Friday, October 14, 2016

Yep, that IS weird, but clever :P

Anyway, I figured something out today....you will like this.  When I realized it, I just started laughing so hard.  Did you read my blog about how Kenna and I got lost in Kansas City and my Google Maps was leading us all around neighborhoods at like 1/2 mile or 3/4 mile increments?...then my phone died....in some not so good parts of town..... WELL, today I needed to use my Google Maps again because I had a college fair to attend at Wayne State University.  I knew how to get there, but I was looking up my directions to get back on 94 to get home and my Google Maps was doing the SAME thing....I checked it before I actually started driving this time..."fool me once....AND ONLY once"...yeah, right! :)  So, I was like WHAT?!!!  I can actually SEE I-94 from this parking lot...why is it taking me on all these turns and NEVER taking me to 94...crazy!  I checked the mode and somehow it had been changed to BICYCLE mode....haha!  SO, it was taking me home via all the bike paths it could find.

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