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Sunday, October 16, 2016

I am sure you have a struggle or two...if you wear flesh it is inevitable.  For a few weeks we have been studying about Jacob at church.  What struggles he faced....most of his own doing....struggles for power, struggles for control, deception, struggles with desires and greed...more deception....struggles with pride and arrogance...finally let's wrestle an angel, right?! 

The ultimate struggle is our struggle with GOD.  That was a pretty powerful moment for Jacob....he would not surrender or give in until he received a blessing.....still after that blessing, right!  "I will take it by force"!!!.  I love the blessing he received....a limp and a promise...
GOD SAYING, "LOOK, I WILL FIGHT FOR YOU!"  Israel basically means....one who struggles with GOD, but is triumphant WITH GOD.  (A lot happens during that comma) At some point in our battles we have to stop fighting GOD...be changed physically, mentally, emotionally, or/and spiritually...and rest in knowing He fights for us.  THAT IS GREAT NEWS!  That is sweet truth.

There is no struggle you face that GOD will not overcome.

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