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Wednesday, October 19, 2016

What Would You Do-ooo-ooo?

So glad to have this girl home again!  She was gone for three days to 5th grade camp and had a BLAST!  She loved the huge swing, but she is super tired!

I wanted to surprise Vannah with something today, but she was busy with SAT testing, cheer practice and color guard practice, so I knew there wouldn't be much time tonight. Even though we are having a party later, I wanted to go something fun today.... I walked around the store saying "What to do....what to do...what to do" to get some ideas....which led my brain to "what would you dooo-ooo-ooo for a Klondike bar" and that is the whole story of how my brain functions....ha!.... so I made a Klondike "cake" and took it to her while she was at cheer practice per her coach's approval :P  

Olaf was at the Dollar Store and he really wanted to go to cheer practice on the "cake"....Karly helped me put bows all over him because cheerleaders are a little crazy about bows.  I knew they would say "AWWWWW" when they saw him!

A friend of ours was traveling through Lansing for business and texted to see if we wanted 
Chick-fil-A for dinner....YUM!  I took some to Vannah at practice and she thought I went all the way there to get her some chicken.....I could've let that one slide for a while...haha...but, I gave credit to whom credit was due :) and we are all feeling like it is our birthday too!

The girls celebrating with Savannah during practice :)

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