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Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Faithful Bean Farmer

I finished reading Bonhoeffer today.  It is amazing to me the moments in history where a real spiritual battle has manifested itself in the flesh and humanity has been caught hanging in the balance.  I know it is really happening all the time, a war is being waged for souls.  A war is being waged for my soul..it is that personal, but we don't always realize it until we are able to look back at certain event sequences in history. Then, we are able to really delve into the lives and battles of key people who played critical roles in fighting for Truth and advancing the gospel.  Bonhoeffer was such a vessel for God.

I was challenged by his words in regard to faith, prayer life, hunger for God's Word, attitude toward circumstances, commitment to stand for Truth, and efforts toward discipleship and mentoring others.  Wow...there's a lot packed in there along with all the history.

Here are a few of my most cherished quotes and sections of the book...HBF indicates a few of my thoughts:

"There is no way to peace along the way of safety.  For peace must be dared, it is itself the great venture and can never be safe.  Peace is the opposite of security.  To demand guarantees is to want to protect oneself.  Peace means giving oneself completely to God's commandment, wanting no security, but in faith and obedience laying the destiny of the nations in the hand of Almighty God, not trying to direct it for selfish purposes.  Battles are won, not with weapons, but with God.  They are won when the way leads to the cross."-Dietrich Bonhoeffer

HBF: My daily bible readings have taken me a little ways into the book of Joshua and also some of Job...isn't it crazy how God puts it all together?  Somehow I feel like if you interviewed Job and Joshua and matched up their lessons side by side...you would end up with the above statement.

"A truly evangelical sermon must be like offering a child a fine red apple or offering a thirsty man a cool glass of water and then saying: Do you want it?"  "Do not try to make the Bible relevant.  Its relevance is axiomatic...Do not defend God's Word, but testify to it. Trust to the Word."-Dietrich Bonhoeffer

HBF: My testimony is only powerful in that I am testifying to the Truth of His Word...I am evidence that what the Bible says, its blessings and promises, are being fulfilled in me when I am obedient to the Will of God. Nothing I do can add to it or diminish it.  I am not such a creative being that I could ever challenge God with something more relevant than HIS WORD.  If my testimony is compelling..it is only due to Christ drawing another to Himself through me.  

"Today I can say Yes to you from my entire, joyful heart."-Maria Von Wedemeyer in response to his proposal...Then, Dietrich's whole letter back to her about her YES...and the rest of their letters :)

HBF:..so fun to see that side of them :).  I feel weird reading other people's love letters...like I am spying on them or something.  I wasn't sure I wanted to read the lovey-dovey parts...I was a little afraid it may make me see the serious stuff differently.. but there was a great sense of loyalty, respect and genuine love evidenced in all their correspondence.  Some of it made me blush, but it was worth it....like when they talked about how electrically charged their moments together where....they said it way more eloquently...haha!  I find it tragic that their engagement was never fulfilled in marriage.  Though Maria was so young, I was affected by her strength of character.

"Who stands fast?  Only the man whose final standard is not his reason, his principles, his conscience, his freedom, or his virtue, but who is ready to sacrifice all this when he is called to obedient and responsible action in faith and in exclusive allegiance to God- the responsible man, who tries to make his whole life an answer to the question and call of God. -Dietrich Bonhoeffer

HBF: What would my life look like if it was an answer to the question and call of God?... You have to do some serious seeking to answer that question.  Have I truly sought for this?

AND, His poem, "Stations on the Road to Freedom" is a beautiful illustration of complete surrender to Christ unto death. Too long to add here, but if you have found the other quotes inspiring...you should read this too sometime.  Or, just get this book...it is so good.  I would let you borrow mine, but it is really Brad's and I am sure he is happy I am turning it over to him now.

Anyway, that has been my free time for a few days....542 pages worth.  I love that his name means Bean Farmer.  It mentions that in the beginning of the book and I kept thinking about it as I was reading.  It is a blessing to see how the seeds of his faith...his perseverance, have flourished into such a devotional inspiration for believers and leaders...we're all farmers, right?

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