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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Here's the Skinny...

I have to give you a visual of something that happened last night...it was and is so funny to me that I sporadically laughed myself to sleep.  Then, I thought today...maybe that wasn't as funny as I thought, so I tested it on a co-worker and she laughed so hard she cried a little...(so that was good enough for me to know I am normal)....here's the skinny (HA, you'll get that joke soon) on what happened.

I have these cabinets in the kitchen that don't go all the way to the ceiling, so obviously they need decor above them, right?  So I looked around on decorating websites while I was home on Christmas break and found this super cute kitchen sign...see:

Cute, right?  I have seen signs like this at friend's houses...kind-of defines the kitchen in a nice "classy" "caveman" way.  I am laughing while I am typing, so this is going to be a weird post....I apologize.  I don't know why the simplest things go wrong for me...I think the Lord is always looking for ways to play tricks on me or something.  Plus, I have been stuck inside for way too long due to the arctic blast and I may be experiencing cabin fever.  ANYWAY, I was so excited when this little sign arrived last night.  I already had a place ready for it, so  I ripped the box open and got a chair so I could put it in it's place above my cupboard. Then, I stepped down to admire it and this is what I saw...

Can you believe that!  That totally shocked me...I mean, I can fix it by setting the sign on something that will lift it up a bit....BUT, now that I have laughed so much about having a sign that says FAT in my kitchen, I am so tempted to leave it there and let it be a conversation starter...haha! 


  1. I am enjoying all your posts lately, Heather!!! Keep em' coming. :)

    1. LL, Glad you are enjoying the posts...I am having fun with them as well. Don't know how well I will keep up in the months ahead because there is a rather large, creative project on the horizon for me involving our church...plus, I always tend to post in spurts of inspiration, but I will try to be more consistent.

  2. Thanks Kenner...you certainly fill my bucket! :)
