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Monday, January 6, 2014

Karly Diem (Seize the Day...Karly Style)

Karlayna is such a little comedienne...sometimes she knows it and other times it just happens out of her ignorance or her 5 and 3/4 year old (that is how old she is telling everyone she is since her birthday is in February) "learning curve" BUT, I love the things she says sometimes.  We were having dinner tonight and I was explaining to everyone how I am going to try to have us eat more healthy this year...more fruits and veggies. I had prepared a stir fry dish, rice, jello with fruit, and a Caesar salad for dinner.  So I am looking around the table and all the girls are just picking at their food.  Two thoughts usually go through my head at those moments and I have to choose one...either I say the "you get what you get and you don't throw a fit" lecture, or I remind myself the secret ingredient in every meal is love...and their picking and pouting is not personal. So, while I was thinking that through, Karly asked Brad for more of something...but she still had a lot on her plate that she was not eating, so he told her to eat more of whatever first....well, she started shaking her little fist at him and said, "Seize His Salad!"  I guess, in her mind, that was what I meant when I told them I made a Caesar salad.  TOO FUNNY!

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