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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Hopetown, Here We Come!

I am happy to announce that Village Hope Church was able to raise the $80,000 in 40 weeks for the next phase of our building project.  In fact, they really missed the mark : )  They missed it by going over by $10,000... (10,000 reasons? weird!) I know that was totally God showing off! I am so excited to begin planning for the kids area, Hopetown!

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and were able to put some serious thought into the ways God has blessed your life.  I know one of the biggest things that struck me as we all sat down to feast...was that the only concern we had at that moment was if all the food was warm at the same time.  Isn't that crazy?  I am not putting anyone down that thinks about that...I would certainly have the same concerns...but, I was just so overwhelmed by that this year. I am still thinking about it in terms of really how blessed I am. Sometimes our life of abundance clouds the reality of our utter dependence on Christ.  That's all I have on that for now as I am still working out what this means and why God would so strongly impress my mind with it.

We are beginning to prepare for Christmas.  Every year I pray we do not miss the true meaning in the process of all the plans and presents. I have been enjoying helping Brad find information to prepare for his sermons each week.  He just started into an Advent Series and I was reading some articles that talk about how Christmas is not our birthday...most of the time we act like it is, right?  Anyway, I thought this was an interesting thought to consider...what gift would Jesus want for His birthday?

Here are a few new pictures from our little photographer, Vannah.  She saved some money to buy a camera and then daddy took her shopping for it.  Needless to say, they went over her budget and I am jealous of her new toy : )  Well, I can have fun editing them and, maybe if I am good, Santa will get me one too.  Right, Santa?

Mini Kooper is hoping to join in some reindeer games : )  Not really...see my hand...I am basically holding his neck there for this pose.  After we put him down (on the floor), he attacked the antlers.

Kenna did a great job as Glinda the Good Witch in her 5th grade production a few weeks ago! I thought I would add a picture of her from that night...she was so sparkly!

When I was at the grocery store this week, Brad and the girls surprised me by putting up a Christmas tree in the Beach Bedroom.

I have to post some of these weird tooth pics while I can...I know once we start with all the corrective mouth work ahead of us, we will be paying for braces for a while :)

Enjoy your Christmas preparations!  If you are like me, I will remind you to take a deep breath and relax.

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