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Sunday, November 24, 2013

Are you full?

I am home on a Sunday with a sick little girl.  I so wish I were at church because I am excited to see what God will do today for HIS glory.  This is the last Sunday in our Forward in Faith campaign to raise $80,000 to begin the next phase of construction on our church building....a children's wing and more adult small group rooms. I have to admit, when Pastor Scott passed away at the end of June...I struggled with my doubts and fears for the future of our church.  I wondered if we would make it through to accomplishing our goal to start this new project...let alone what would happen to the unity of our church family through such a time of grief and uncertainty about the direction, vision and leadership of our family. BUT, God has been faithful even when my faith has wavered.  He has reminded me that a church is not so much about the building as the hearts of the people to live out their faith and the compassion for our community to be reached. I know reaching $80,000 by today was not an easy goal (by any means) for the members of our family...but, I came to realize if God wanted it to happen...there would be some way.  I am in expectant joy that we made it there today!  And now I am having some trouble with my patience (again!) as I wait for Brad and the other girls to get home to tell me about today's service.

We celebrated Thanksgiving this weekend with the Foster side of our family and had a great time going around the table and naming our blessings.  Sylvia told us a lady from our church was trying to count 1000 blessings.  She originally thought it would be hard to do, but she was realizing as she began counting them that she had more things to be thankful for than she even imagined.  I had my own time of worship today and listened to 10,000 Reasons since her thanksgiving idea was such an inspiration to me! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtwIT8JjddM .

We often talk about how full we are after our thanksgiving dinner :)  Brad and I saw a funny skit/video on Sermon Spice where the actors were joking about how full they were and then, later, the mom invites everyone to dinner and you realize they have not eaten yet...they are just so full of God's goodness in their lives. I am praying that you are full before dinner too! Blessings!

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