Sing With Me
I dreamed in virtual realness a horrifying
glimpse of rocks and sands, hills, stones and sod
beginning to cry out.
I screamed loud in terror
Where had the praises died?
I searched and listened; hearing only night
too silent for even crickets....and darkness forever thick.
Oh, for just one praise to break out from all chains;
to let rocks yield their stolen place
A burst of strength rose from my soul,
empowering and alive
I stood to sing aloud my heart's voice in one line...
A sudden presence midst my song; unearthly peace transpired
The ground, though holy, lost it's voice at this refrain rose higher -
I beg you, sing with me! Let your praise be heard!
If your soul's trapped in darkness thick and you see hope's loss almost complete
Breathe in the air you need to sing
Then SING with me.