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Sunday, November 24, 2013

Are you full?

I am home on a Sunday with a sick little girl.  I so wish I were at church because I am excited to see what God will do today for HIS glory.  This is the last Sunday in our Forward in Faith campaign to raise $80,000 to begin the next phase of construction on our church building....a children's wing and more adult small group rooms. I have to admit, when Pastor Scott passed away at the end of June...I struggled with my doubts and fears for the future of our church.  I wondered if we would make it through to accomplishing our goal to start this new project...let alone what would happen to the unity of our church family through such a time of grief and uncertainty about the direction, vision and leadership of our family. BUT, God has been faithful even when my faith has wavered.  He has reminded me that a church is not so much about the building as the hearts of the people to live out their faith and the compassion for our community to be reached. I know reaching $80,000 by today was not an easy goal (by any means) for the members of our family...but, I came to realize if God wanted it to happen...there would be some way.  I am in expectant joy that we made it there today!  And now I am having some trouble with my patience (again!) as I wait for Brad and the other girls to get home to tell me about today's service.

We celebrated Thanksgiving this weekend with the Foster side of our family and had a great time going around the table and naming our blessings.  Sylvia told us a lady from our church was trying to count 1000 blessings.  She originally thought it would be hard to do, but she was realizing as she began counting them that she had more things to be thankful for than she even imagined.  I had my own time of worship today and listened to 10,000 Reasons since her thanksgiving idea was such an inspiration to me! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtwIT8JjddM .

We often talk about how full we are after our thanksgiving dinner :)  Brad and I saw a funny skit/video on Sermon Spice where the actors were joking about how full they were and then, later, the mom invites everyone to dinner and you realize they have not eaten yet...they are just so full of God's goodness in their lives. I am praying that you are full before dinner too! Blessings!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Bah! Humblog!

Back in August, when we were all starting to think about our fall schedule, McKenna and Kassi were interested in being in a drama.  I looked to see what was going on in Jackson and saw there was an audition soon for "Scrooge, The Musical".  I tried to talk Brad into trying out since everyone knows he is the dramatic one, but he didn't think he could manage being involved in the production with his current commitment level at our church. The girls were after me to try out....so, at the second audition date, I did...I knew if the girls made it into the show I would be there for all the practices anyway and I probably would be sitting there acting like I was reading a book or something, but really watching everyone practice and kicking myself that I was not a part of it.  I am so glad I decided to audition...it was such a fun and exhilarating experience for all of us! I know the girls made some new friends in the process and so did I.  Sometimes God surprises me with His gifts along the way!  I am sad it is over, but extremely grateful for the experience, new friends and the memories.  Now my evening schedule will be free for Christmas decorating, baking, and whatever else God has planned for me next.  What will I do with all my free time?...ha! Here are a few pictures from our show...

Me, as Mrs. Cratchit, with my lovely stage family!

Kassi as a townsperson in Scrooge, The Musical.  

This week Kenna has to transition from a townsperson in Scrooge to Glinda the Good Witch for her 5th grade production of The Wizard of Oz.  That's Showbiz, right? Blessings!

Monday, November 18, 2013

True Riches

At the end of June, Brad and I had planned to vacation in Montana.  He had made the mistake of telling me about a real-life treasure hunt in February hidden by Forrest Fenn somewhere in the Rocky Mountains several years ago with a poem/riddle to solve in order to find the treasure. I became a little obsessed with the poem and trying to solve the clues over the months that followed.  I believed I had solved at least a few of the nine clues and I had never been out west...so, Brad and I decided to follow my findings to Montana near Yellowstone National Park.  Brad wanted to take the trip so I could put my obsession to rest...but, I was just thrilled to be going on a real treasure hunt.

Our plan was to take a couple of our daughters to camp for a week with some of their friends, the others to Grandma and Grandpa Fosters and to go for a few days....but, the very day we were taking the girls to camp we received a phone call that our pastor had a serious heart episode at our church.  It wasn't even an hour later while we were dropping all the girls off and hoping to hurry home to be with him that we had a second call that he did not make it.  We felt so helpless being up north at Camp Barakel and knew it would be a very long trip home and would take our church family through quite a time of grief as we all loved Pastor Scott so much.

Pastor Scott absolutely loved eagles and we found a beautiful picture and verse we were able to use for his funeral.  I don't think I have ever attended a funeral that was so spirit-filled and so well attended...our church was filled way passed capacity.

Since then, God has used the eagle and this verse to show our church He is with us!  We had a chalk artist come to our church shortly after Pastor Scott passed away...he did not know the connection between Pastor Scott and eagles and he started drawing a picture while he was talking to us about his message.  He was drawing this gorgeous mountain scene with a waterfall and talking about how God is the artist...it was pretty amazing and then all the sudden I thought..."HE IS ABOUT TO DRAW AN EAGLE!"  It was one of those goose bump moments! God actually told him to draw an eagle for Village Hope Church....how perfect is HE?!  I don't think there was a dry eye, but I couldn't really tell since my vision was blurred :-)

 My heart still is saddened when I think of the loss of our pastor.  Brad and I had Parent/Teacher conferences last week...we were given a story to look over that McKenna had written about Pastor Scott and how she felt when she found out he had passed away.  It was a beautiful story of how she will always remember him...I had that huge lump in my throat and thought I may just start sobbing in front of her teacher. We miss him and I am so thankful that he had such a meaningful influence on our daughters.  Brad is currently serving as interim pastor as our church search committee looks for our next pastor.  It has been a tough road. People grieve in many different ways and Brad has had a lot on his plate as he seeks God's direction for our church and depends on God for addressing all the needs and healing. I know God has great things for the future of our church.

Our trip to Montana in June needed to be postponed so we could be with our church family for a time of grieving, but in August we decided to make it happen...it was a good time to get away and we needed some rest.  I don't know about Brad, but I loved being on a treasure hunt and I appreciate that he went with me...even though I know he thinks I am crazy.

I feel like we were really close to the treasure...seriously...I even have some emails from Mr. Forrest Fenn himself! I think it is fabulous that he will respond to hunters and I had fun relaying my ideas of his riddle/poem to him.  You can't really fish any additional clues from him, but it is still a little fun to try.  When, in history, could a treasure hunter actually email the person who has hidden the treasure?...CRAZY!

This was our very favorite place to search for the treasure...it was on Quake Lake just after Ghost Village.  Doesn't every great treasure hunt need a Ghost Village?!! 
A beautiful bend on the Madison River...I can imagine this was one of Forrest's favorite fly fishing locations.
Fire Hole Falls in Yellowstone...I don't think this is far from the place Forrest mentions in "The Thrill of the Chase" where, as a kid, he loved to swim in the river because there was a hot spring entering the cold river and he loved that he could just move ever so slightly in the river and change the temperature to his liking.

I am still a little obsessed with the riddle....don't tell Brad.  I have been trying to analyze the poem when he is not around, so he will not get irritated with me that I am still working on it.  When someone finds that thing....I would love it if it was within a couple miles of my search locations!

One of my favorite things about the trip was seeing the osprey and eagles.. I felt so blessed to be out in such beautiful country!

Cabin Creek provided for a gorgeous hike!

We came home without the treasure chest in August, but Savannah reminded us our treasure is right here...She had prepared a treasure hunt for us to go on.  I know that sounds a bit cliche, but it is so true. Everyone we love and each moment we have with them is a treasure.  It is always good to remember that!

PS...if you get obsessed with Forrest Fenn's treasure poem (as I have) and want to take a trip out west to find it, let me know and I will give you the details of the places I checked out and why...blessings!  Here's a link for you http://www.oldsantafetradingco.com/the-thrill-resource-page .  I hear Forrest Fenn mentioned something about Grayling Creek recently :) .