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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Don't know where to begin

I have really waited too long to even try to blog...but, I have to start back somewhere and let you know what has been happening with us...so here goes.

Our adoption of Savannah and Danielle was finalized on March 15th...YAHOO!  We had a big party and enjoyed a fun Spring Break trip together a couple weeks later.  All the girls are doing very well with the transitions...considering the major changes and challenges of an adoption.  We have been told that a year together makes a huge difference and I am seeing things getting better as we are approaching a year (May 29th) since we all first met.  I feel as though the finalization of the adoption has helped to give Savannah a little more peace and security with us.

Danielle made the decision to ask Jesus into her heart following one of her AWANA'S meetings at the end of April.  She came home and told Brad she wanted to pray to accept Christ.  Brad and I talked with her for a while about what it meant just to make sure she had a good understanding about what she was about to do.  We prayed with her and then were able to celebrate her decision with all her sisters.  She has been so aware of her decision since then, she often talks about Jesus being with her.  I enjoy the sweet spirit and trust  she has toward her new faith.

McKenna just turned 10 years old and she has really grown up so much this year...it is hard to believe she is getting so big and growing into a young lady.  She has such a sweet and considerate personality...and she is so goofy....I just eat her up.

Kassi has still been having eye appointments just to make sure her eyes are straight and she doesn't start to develop the same problem she had before that caused the lazy eye.  So far, things have been going very well.  Yesterday, Brad took her to Grand Rapids for another appointment and while they were at the appointment they met someone from the hospital's PR or Marketing Department and they may want to use Kassi's story as a testimonial for the Ophthomologist.  It is so funny to me how our experiences...even our traumatic ones...or maybe I should say especially our traumatic ones can often give us great rewards once we are on the other side.  Kassi is excited about the possibility to be asked to share her story about her eye surgery.  How cool is that!

More on that subject...I was driving home from work one day after just studying a chapter in Crazy Love by Francis Chan and I was struck by the fact that I often want to save my children from things that hurt them or could potentially cause them pain.  In reality, we all have our own spiritual journey and the things that hurt us a little bit or a lot can be huge benchmarks or turning points in our faith when we learn to rely on God. So there is a balance to consider when raising children.. in how much to allow them to struggle through experiences so they can come out the other side with a stronger faith and a definite experience with Christ.

Karly had an appointment in Grand Rapids today as well.  She has had a spot on her side since she was about 3 months and we have had to watch it because if anything rubs that spot she gets an immediate almost allergic reaction to it....it is kind-of weird, but that one spot on her body has too many Mast cells...usually they are much more dispersed in normal skin and they work very well to create scabs and protect people from cuts...stings...stuff like that...but Karly has too many in a tiny little area and they freak out when they are disturbed.  Anyway, we finally decided we need to see if we can have this spot removed since it is not going away on its own and it is getting bigger as she grows.  We were told our insurance may not cover the surgery because they may consider it a birthmark and just a cosmetic surgery...so we were concerned about that and how much we would have to pay out of pocket...BUT, we had a huge praise today when the doctor that will do the surgery took a look at it and agreed with us that it was a medical issue and not just a cosmetic issue...so our insurance will cover it.  We would have gone through with it anyway, but I can't help but think how loved we are that God has this detail covered for us.

We are very proud of Savannah...she is doing well in school, excelling at learning how to play the flute, learning how to be a good friend even when it is hard (middle school can be really tough these days) and a good big sister even when little sisters can be annoying...and she is thinking about these things in terms of her faith.  She started attending a Bible Study...Experiencing God for teens, and it is a treasure for me to see her reading and studying her Bible to be ready for the meetings.  She also just got a perm...I had to laugh as I thought I had my first perm as a 7th grader...then, Brad told me he had a perm in 7th grade....HAHA!  People always say things come back around...it is so true...when you are old enough to see those things come back around...you are really old, right!? :-)  (I like my life)...After she got a perm, I kind-of wanted one again...haha!  How do you think she would like it if I got one just like hers....that is a thought that will make me laugh for a while.

What have Brad and I been up to?  The usual...trying to keep our heads above water...no, really, my thoughts have taken me to the point of considering these two alternatives to our busy life...I can either be trying to keep my head above water or I can be focused on Christ and walking on the water....right?

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