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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

UnANTiciplated, unpleasANT, and unwANTed

You got it, ANTS!  When we travelled through Georgia I had a craving for peaches...who wouldn't, I mean that is just a given!  So, there was a little fruit stand at a place we stopped on the way through Georgia and Brad picked up some peaches for all of us to enjoy.  We ate some of them and then we arrived at our hotel for the night and were excited to go for a swim, so in the unloading process we forgot to bring in the remaining peaches...they were left in our van in a plastic bag.

The next day when we went to pack up our stuff....our van was infested with little ants....you know those lines of ants you see marching around your yard....we had lines of ants in our van.  YIKES!  Of course, it was my fault because I was the one who suggested the peaches...forget the fact that everyone ate some...hey, that makes me feel a bit like Eve, I guess.  So our day of travelling was detained about two hours while Brad took the van for disinfestation detail.  FUN! 

BUT, we made it home, finally :-)  I think overall we were in the van for 53 hours and 13 minutes during our trip...but, who's counting? :-)  Savanah and Danelle wanted to just come home with us this time for good, but we still have to wait for some paperwork to be completed by the state and by a judge for them to move in with us.  Their caseworker thinks this will be accomplished either this week or next week.

Here is another answer to prayer I have not reported yet.  I had our polebarn listed on Craigslist because we have about 5 outbuildings on our property and there is no way we will need all of them.  I didn't know if I would get any bites on it since it would mean someone would have to take it apart and move it to their own property, but the day before we left for our Florida trip we sold it...so, now that we are back in town we have some extra money to start phase 2 of our plans for our home.  We will be beginning to work on both porches and the roof....YAY!  I was really hoping we could get this portion of the renovation completed before the winter....and it looks like we will be able to accomplish this.


  1. You and I are so symp"ant"ico..Ok, I might be stretching it with that one :-) Hope you are having a great weekend! Between a birthday party, a wedding, and the girls trying out for a radio spot on Focus on the Family...we have been a bit busy today :-) Happy for some down time right now. Blessings to you and ALL yours!
