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Wednesday, May 31, 2017

It is funny to me when God puts random things together in my mind to make connections.  Vannah wanted us to play this card game with her over the weekend...the catch was, she would not tell us the rules of the game except that the winner was the person who could get rid of all their cards.  She was the only one who could actually know the rules of the game and we could only learn it as we played and any time we did something wrong, she would give us another card and say "Failure to blah blah blah"  we were supposed to learn from that failure what we should have done when we played the card we tried to play.  I remember the angry feeling I had because she had said we are to keep quiet when we play, so I played a card in silence and she gave me a card and said, "failure to say "HAVE A NICE DAY""....well, at that point I didn't really want her to have a nice day :P  It feels like....that's not fair....you keep changing the rules....I want to quit this dumb game that I can't possibly win because I don't understand it....haha! I stayed in it and learned some of the rules when I and others messed up and I actually got to make up the next silly rule....the "sing happy birthday to me when you discard any 2"....but that is a secret until someone messes up....shhhh!

Crazy game, right!  Then, yesterday I was on the way home and saw that some neighbors down the street had installed an invisible dog fence.  Thoughts of that are always humorous in my mind....thoughts of dogs getting shocked or of videos of people trying on the collars and getting the shock....I don't know....my brain wanders :)  Anyway, I started thinking about those poor dogs and how now they have a new rule in their life that they will not understand it until they experience a negative outcome from failing to stay within the boundaries....it's kind-of like that game Vannah played with us.

I had life, rules, and boundaries on my mind and was just thinking how blessed we are that GOD has given us His WORD....yes, it has rules and boundaries spelled out and stories of people who went astray and others who found grace and mercy when they returned to the path.....some people resent God's Word for the rules and boundaries, but it shows us the way through....the way to win.....the way to live.  I appreciate it more and more as I experience struggles in life and I start to see past the stories or history to more application to what is happening right now and I have found that nothing gives me the answers or the peace I need or the understanding for what to do next or how to perceive/respond to my circumstances like it does.

God thinks of everything, doesn't He?!!!!!  :)

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

I don't really know if this is a "secret" because it definitely has been proven by people brave enough to choose thankfulness in all circumstances...those individuals are just rare (unfortunately), so maybe that is why this is still somewhat considered a "secret" truth :)  It takes practice to develop the process of turning toward God and intentionally making note of the goodness in the middle of everything that seems hurtful.  It is easier NOT to choose thankfulness because in our selfishness we want people to identify with us (commiserate) or we want to be understood or we want to dwell in that negative experience for a while to feel sorry for our "losses".  I know....when you choose to focus on positive things and to set your heart on God and in Christ...and to talk about or post the things you are thankful for, most people think everything in your life is perfect and that you do not struggle.  In reality, you may have some deep struggles and you may be experiencing a heartache which no one can understand except for you and God. However, you are working really hard to be thankful anyway and you are disciplining yourself to walk in Christ for your strength and to surround yourself in His Word and in His peace for your  heart's protection.  I understand and I am learning why it is important not to judge or be envious of others when they seem to be always thankful or joyful....I am learning why it is wise for me to just love and let God be the judge.  I am learning how far my thoughts can wander into dark and lonely places if I do not choose love, joy, thankfulness, and hope...in Christ.

I don't really think there is a secret to unleashing anything about God, but I understand this statement and the principle of it.  It is scriptural and coincides with many of God's promises to us, but it is just a truth that is hard to live by sometimes.

Monday, May 29, 2017

O Sweet Land of Liberty
Freedom is mine...I sleep in peace
But, for another who's journey unraveled 
on the bitter and perilous road 

He traveled for me
My Country Tis Of Thee
Built on that courage by the strength of his hope
He was God's protection over all at home

How can honor I rightfully bring? 
Of thee I remember...Of thee I Sing
Blessed by this freedom, a gift with such cost
The memory of your sunset shall never be lost

We Remember

I am thankful for all who have risked their lives for our freedom.  I thought it was ironic that the word sacrifice is missing "I"....those who lost their lives definitely were willing to surrender and sacrific "I" for others and for God.  It is such a pleasure to celebrate their memory and honor their families on this day!!!

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Today, in a meeting, someone said the phrase, "living on a prayer"..... :)
I will sing it...(but, I am only halfway there)....I will play air guitar and drums too!


And Forget Not All His Benefits

Psalm 103

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Reason To Sing

I LOVE THAT GOD IS A SINGER :)  I think sometimes He quiets us with His love just so we will listen to the song He is singing over us...I know sometimes my own music is blasting way too loud.

If He has quieted you in this moment, I hope you are listening to His song over you.
I think it will give you many reasons....you are loved!

We live in the shadowlands, you know....hard times, suffering, grief, disappointments....this world is fallen and though we can definitely see the light of God here....Praise GOD for that!!!!, we also walk through shadows of darkness.  But, we don't have to be scared of the dark....it's just a shadow on our path to Heaven.  We will emerge into the LIGHT again....and we have light within us because God has given us His Spirit to bring us through.  He is actively providing us protection and guidance as we trust in Him and seek to follow His lead.  We can find such comfort in His presence. 


Monday, May 22, 2017

Monday's Pushing My Buttons

This morning I was dropping my daughters off at school and I went to push the button that automatically opens the van door for them to hop out real quick.  We were in the "pull through" lane so I always have that slight anxiety to go quick so I don't annoy the person behind me...haha.  Anyway, I pushed the button about three times and the van door was not opening....when you are perplexed like that it is hard to think you could actually use your arms to open the door....haha!  Well, after a long moment of confusion where the girls were also staring at me to see what was the matter.... we all started laughing....I was pushing the garage door opener  :P  SERIOUSLY!!!!???  It was a MONDAY, for sure!

Sunday, May 21, 2017

It was such a privilege to sing with all my daughters at church this morning!  We chose a Jamie Grace song, You Lead.  When the music started I thought, "It feels like I am letting the whole church into my Living Room....because we often blast our Jamie Grace CD at home...the only difference was we didn't bring the crazy dance moves with us to church...I kinda wish we had :)  It is such a blessing to raise my girls and such a responsibility to lead them.  I pray that I am always following Christ so that I am leading them in the right places and down the right paths.  I know the future is many times unsure and stuff happens in life that is difficult to explain or maybe even impossible to explain or understand why, but I pray I will show them how to allow God to turn their darkness into light and that they will see how HIS light will illuminate each step along their path as they determine to walk with Christ.

You Lead

Thursday, May 18, 2017

I took my girls to a park last night that has a ton of play equipment....it is one where the whole thing is built like a city connected by slides, balance beams, tunnels, things which resemble houses or trains or boats.  They played for a while and then asked me to assign them an obstacle course and time them.  I don't know why that is so fun, but I jumped on it...."okay, you have to cross this balance beam, jump from here to here, climb over the train, slide through this tunnel, climb the ladder to the slide and then run back to the beginning and touch the place where you started"....they all did it twice and then I really wanted to try it too :)  The first time I finished in 35 seconds, so I wanted to try for a better time and the second time I got through it in 33 seconds.

I was thinking about obstacles later and how much fun we had speeding through them, but how we desired a second chance through them to do better since now we understood the course and thought we could shave off some time.  BUT....We just don't get that second chance to go through it all again and adjust our strategy in life, you know....we have to do our best the first time....the only time life gives us that one obstacle at that one moment and we probably never received a practice run for that silly thing :P

So what is the strategy?   The strategy is a focus on God and a continuous refocus on God and a constant surrender to God.....You can't practice overcoming the obstacles because you don't necessarily know what those will be in your life and you won't ever be effective if you live in the fear of the unexpected obstacles, but you can practice how quickly you turn to God.  You can get really speedy at turning to God and turning it all over to God!!!  You can definitely shave a few seconds off of that :)

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

It really is ALL about Christ.   May He be my only aim.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Kassi, Danielle and Karly received an opportunity to do some more recording for Family Life Radio.  This time, they used the kid's conversations to make videos :)  I have permission to share these videos with you :)  ENJOY!

Thursday, May 11, 2017

This is so true!  We can be both....WE ARE BOTH.....we really have to be both to function....to receive and give love....because we have to see ourselves as the wonderfully unique and deeply loved individual that GOD made us to be to find our purpose, fulfillment and contentment being known by Him.  So, YES....we absolutely are a Masterpiece!!!!  However, we cannot become so prideful that we refuse to understand that we are still learning and growing and that we will probably be on a life-long journey to perfection which requires us to be broken and molded.  It requires us to listen to others, to care deeply for them and to seek to understand even when we do not feel understood.  It requires us to apply scripture to our hearts for them to stay tender and for us to remain teachable and compassionate.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

A prayer from my reading in Uninvited...I understand the title of this book, but I have found it soooo inviting as God has used it to speak intimately to me through a really difficult season of my life.  I am thankful for Miss Leslie for blessing me with it at Christmas.  I feel like I am reading it so slowly...haha....but each section is perfectly timed out, so I know God has already figured in my snails pace with the personal messages He has waiting for me in it :P

"Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High.

Lord, draw me close.  Your Word promises when I draw close to You, You are there.  I want my drawing close to be a permanent dwelling place.  At any moment when I feel weak and empty and alone, I pray that I won't let those feelings drag me down into a pit of insecurity.  But rather, I want those feelings to be triggers for me to immediately lift those burdensome feelings to You and trade them for the assurance of Your security.

I am not alone, because You are with me.  I am not weak, because Your strength is infused in me.  I am not empty, because I'm drinking daily from Your fullness.  You are my dwelling place.  And in You I have shelter from every stormy circumstance and harsh reality.  I'm not pretending the hard things don't exist, but I am rejoicing in the fact that Your covering protects me and prevents those hard things from affecting me like they used to.

You, the Most High, the name above every rejection, have the final say over me.  You know me and love me intimately and personally and fully.  Let my reactions to all things make it evident that I spend a lot of time with You.  I want my gentleness to be evident to all.  I want Your fullness in me to be the atmosphere around me.  I want Your love to shine through me.  And I want Your peace to be the path I walk.  Your truth to be my wisdom when I talk.  You are my everyday dwelling place, my saving grace.  Amen."

How do ya do?

What A Wonderful World

Sunday, May 7, 2017

We enjoyed lunch at Chili's today for Kenna's 14th Birthday :)  I know they just keep growing up, but it just seems to happen faster and faster!

Yesterday was a crazy day full of prom preparations.  Vannah started it off early by helping a couple of her friends with their make up, then we gathered all of her things and went over to one of her friend's homes to start her process.  I had agreed to do her hair, but also told Brad I would help him choose a car to pick her up in for a surprise, so I had to tell her I was leaving for a little while to get "more bobby pins and hairspray" in order to meet him at the location where there were multiple cars for us to choose from :)

The younger girls loved helping us choose and riding around in them :)

This Fairlane was our final choice for the evening....gorgeous car!

Vannah with two of her friends....ready for dinner at Ichibans

Posing in the car :P

After dinner we had time to kill until 8pm when the prom started so we made a couple stops in Jackson, MI for photo opps and the other girl's parents met us.

The old post office has some great columns for pics....I loved this one of Vannah :)

We also stopped at the railroad station and took a few pictures...

I'm glad she had a wonderful evening....(I know I am biased), but I thought she was breathtaking....and I was having a lot of fun taking all these pictures.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

May the 4th Be With You....Always!!!

Was wishing to combine my enjoyment of Star Wars with my love of all kinds of Mexican foods....so thought I would use the force to merge them and get two days of each :P

Some Star Wars Mariachi

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Vannah told me today she received a message from the Red Cross asking her to donate blood again.....the message told her they had already used her blood and needed more of her type....she is almost a universal donor with O+ blood.  She just donated for the first time in March, so I was checking on how often you are supposed to be able to donate and I found out most people are able to every 56 days....that is pretty amazing.

Monday, May 1, 2017

The Only Way Out