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Thursday, July 31, 2014

The Princess With the Paintbrush

Today was the final day of Princess Camp, so the girls got to perform a little show for us....it went through music from The Little Mermaid, Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast....BUT, it was so funny when the music from Frozen started and all the little girls were BELTING Let It Go at the top of their lungs.

Sleeping Beauty and Belle

Sometimes I still laugh when I think about how Kassi used to say the names of the Disney Princesses....she didn't pronounce the eau in beauty very well.....it always came out as ooooo....so she would say Booty and the Beast....and Sleeping Booty....hahaha....will always love that!

I am really liking the church kitchen's transformation into a vintage yellow and white kitchen....I feel like it could have been June Cleaver's :)  It is fun to try things I probably would not do in my own home....BUT, then they surprise me and I kind-of want to do them in my home....ya know!  
BRAD, ready for a kitchen redo? 

Princess Danielle helping paint the sanctuary....that's MY PRINCESS....not afraid to get messy!

Princess Karlayna getting her turn with the roller...they wanted to keep painting all day :)  I think they enjoyed the chance to paint with the big roller more than Princess Camp....thanks to Mr. Bill for letting them try it out.

So, you can't see my grubby paint shirt very well, but we went out to lunch....the two princesses, the KING (dressed up because he had a funeral to officiate in the morning) AND ME....total  QUEEN Grubster with brown paint all over me.  BROWN is the new GREEN which is the new PINK which is new BLACK....you follow?  Anyway, BROWN is "IN" right now....this second....
aaannnnddd, now it's over!  

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

I've Got A Golden Ticket

We were at Lowe's to price ceiling fans for the Parma Church and I asked Karly and Danielle to try to remember some fan names and prices for me.  Do you ever rely on your kids for an extension of your own brain? :)  So, I told Karly to remember Prestige and told Danielle to remember 64" because that was my favorite one, but it was a tad more expensive than what I was budgeted.  Right after that, we ran into a friend who I was in a show with last fall and we were talking about the upcoming shows and he started telling me he wished the theater would do Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (which I think would be sooo fun too)...but, anyway that was the gist of the conversation.  We got back to the van and I asked the girls to recall the information I had asked them to remember so I could write it down.  Danielle remembered the 64"....but, Karly told me the fan was called Willy Wonka....hahahahahaha!  Just what I need for the church.....A WILLY WONKA FAN! LOVE IT!  Had to share that fantastic laugh!

I like that last line on the ticket :)

Seeing Things Differently

Do you always remember to put on your glasses of faith in the morning?

I get annoyed sometimes with Savannah because she often forgets her glasses.  Sometimes, I wish I could just record and play back to her each morning...."do you have your glasses?"...."where did you put them last?"  She's at camp this week, so I can have a break from that question for now :)

I took Danielle to her annual physical yesterday in between Princess Camp and working at the Parma Church and they needed to check her vision....so they brought in the eye chart with all the letters.

In all my errands to find treasures for the Parma Church I got thinking about that eye chart and, actually, my own vision....how I see things.  AND, I realized there are many days that I forget my glasses!  I forget to see the things I am doing as a privilege to serve GOD....I forget that there is a lot more in getting the Parma Church going than paint and pretties....because GOD cares more about the PEOPLE than any of that other stuff...It comes down to a question of whether I am wearing glasses that see what I am doing as a FAVOR for GOD or as a GIFT from GOD....it really is an honor to be given a job by GOD.  Anyway, it is good to have a vision check every once in a while :)

I am thrilled, by the way, with how the work at the Parma Church is going....the sanctuary really looks amazing and the other rooms and kitchen are coming along too....it is hard to believe we have only been working on it for two days (it feels longer :) BUT, I pray it will become a place of worship, healing, salvation, and encouragement for those who visit and choose to make this sweet little church and, really the people, their church family...because God is in it!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Princesses In Training

Today was the first day of Princess Camp and it was all an "Under the Sea" theme....every day of camp is themed after a different princess.  Tomorrow is Cinderella :)

Ariel's Underwater Castle...too cute!

The art room....Danielle and Karly were still putting the finishing touches on their underwater masterpieces.

All smiles!

Showing off their artwork...

....After they stormed the castle, of course....

And, I got to run around Jackson and Parma today picking paint colors and choosing lighting for the Parma church....one of my very favorite things to do :) I will be spending my week working on the church.  I love to paint....love seeing the space transform!  I saw this poster for one of my favorite movies a while ago and really liked the colors in it....so I decided to draw the colors for the church out of it.  I am using a medium-dark rust color and a really light greenish-gold color in the sanctuary.  Adult classrooms are two tones of beige/brown and the kitchen with be a light golden yellow....I am not sure if I will be able to pick the colors for the kid's classrooms yet because they are in a newer part of the church that was more recently painted all white.  Even though I would like to see some color in them....the white is still in great shape and our budget is always an issue :)  I think they are hoping I will get really creative and do a mural in them like my little sheep from VHC :)  Those sheep were my first attempt at that much creativity on a wall.  I am brainstorming what I would do for a second attempt....the carpet in those rooms has blue tones in it.  Any ideas?  It would be for a nursery and a toddler room....the blue makes me think of fishies :)

I love the ambigram....I remember trying to do that with my name in elementary school :)

All the girls have been so helpful as we have started working on the church.  We spent some time there on Saturday before all the other work was to begin today and I was amazed at the amount of clearing out and organizing we were able to accomplish...just the 7 of us....so, we rewarded ourselves with ice cream!  

Savannah, Kenna, and Kassi leave for camp Barakel tomorrow, so it will feel really strange to only have two kids at home this week.  I am excited to have a little more one on one time with Danielle and Karly....but, will really miss the others!  I love all my princesses :)

It is such a wonderful gift to watch them grow in beauty!  I am praying that Camp Barakel will be a terrific experience for the older three!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

The Day Is Escargot-ing, Going, Gone

It's a LAZY SATURDAY :)  We have nothing on the schedule!  Don't you just love those days sometimes!  I had some things I wanted to get done with our free day....but, I kind-of feel like the day is too far gone to even start....haha!  :)

YEP....moving at a snail's pace after Vacation Bible School and our Hopetown Kids Club have concluded.  Now we are starting to plan our work on the Parma church.  I got to pick some colors this week and Brad and I went over to the church to paint the sample colors on the walls.....getting excited about that!  As for the girls, the three oldest are getting all packed for camp this week and Danielle and Karly will be attending a Princess Day Camp this week....so, of course, they are planning their princess outfits for each day.  The irony of that is that I will be dropping off the princesses for day camp dressed in my grubby work clothes so I can head to the Parma church and paint....maybe I could wear a tiara :)  Gotta love the little ironies in life!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Or Versa Vice

Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength....or vice versa....can you switch those last 4 words and still get credit for knowing your verse at VBS?...that was our key verse for today.  Well, tonight was pretty chaotic....the kids at Vacation Bible School were either on a sugar high or it's a full moon or vice versa and a combo of everything that creates hyperactivity.  BUT THEY HAD FUN...I kept praying for God to use this week for His Glory and I am not one that thinks you have to count the number of salvations at events, but when that happens it really warms my heart and it makes every effort worth it, you know!  So, we had a few children pray to receive Christ throughout the week and I had witnessed one prayer time yesterday with a girl from the 4th/5th grade class.  I saw the leaders praying with her and I was trying to be really quiet while I brought in my supplies for the 2nd/3rd grade class.  Then, tonight...I saw the leaders were praying with her again after their lesson time.  I was quietly bringing in our lesson materials and one of the teachers approached me and asked if I could help them with something.  Apparently, this young lady had gone home last night after accepting Christ and had taken some time to think about a lot of things and she came back tonight a little distraught over the music she listens to at home.  She told us a lot of her music has bad words in it and she wondered if we could help her get some music that would be good for her.  Don't you love when GOD gives you such a sweet project!!!!  YES...absolutely.....I will get you some music....what an incredible request from a 4th/5th grader and she came to that request on her own.  You know, there really is something beautiful about the moment GOD calls us....our hearts have to be ready and the Holy Spirit really does the work.  In this case, I know the Holy Spirit did the work to help her think all of that through. SO, I am on a mission to put together a really sweet variety of music for her....how fun!

AND, I have a praise to report....my voice is improving...I noticed it was stronger yesterday :)  Then, I had a request tonight from a man at our church to sing a duet with him...this whole story is so crazy, so I will just highlight some things.  He was in a really bad accident and suffered severe injuries years ago.  Due to the nature of his injuries, he has not felt comfortable around people for some time, but he started attending our church and has felt welcomed.  He has slowly been taking steps to become involved at the church.  He learned some tech jobs and helped during VBS with lights and sound.  So, tonight he said he would like to try to sing with me sometime.  Here's the thing with the title....sometimes things happen and you aren't sure if it is a lesson meant for you or for someone else, but you know God is up to something.  I honestly do not think that man would have asked me to sing with him if GOD is not going to allow it to happen.  I know that sounds a little weird to say, but there is a healing process taking place for him....and maybe I have some part in it through giving him encouragement to sing.  God knows for sure.....but one thing I know is blessings are not vice versa or the other way around.......they are always both-and and tonight I know I am blessed!

The Password Is.....Isaiah 45:5

Yesterday was our last Wednesday for Hopetown Kids Club in Blair Park for the summer...it was a great time!  I walked a bunch of kids back to their apartments afterwards and a few parents were thanking us for what we did this summer and asking when we will do it again.  Some of the kids memorized each week's lesson theme and our Hopetown Bible verse so they received a trophy for their work....it was hilariously wonderful to see them accepting their trophies and doing a victory lap with them :)  There are so many things you learn about life when you spend time working with children in low income housing.  I don't need to go into specifics because there are a few things I witnessed that tear me up (I realize there is a double meaning there....and both are correct), but it really helps me in my awareness of how blessed I am and how many actual needs are out there....if I will just look both ways, cross the street, and LOVE people.

We also have our last night of Vacation Bible School tonight.  It has been such a fun theme this year with all the spy stuff....cracking codes, looking for clues, inspecting the Garden of Eden crime scene, and I think Brad has had the best response this year to any of his skit characters....he is Inspector No Clue...and it is to the point now where he opens a door to walk onto the stage and the kids are already rolling on the floor.  I had some goldfish crackers in my hand when he got home from church last night and I told him to hold his hand out....I put some crackers in it....and then I ate them out of his hand :)  With my mouth full I said, "I think you have achieved what every actor hopes for their audience....that they are now eating out of the palm of your hand" Even though I am married to someone who is good at being funny....it is always nice to know I can make him laugh sometimes.  The skits have been so funny this year that the parents are arriving early so they can watch the ending skits too....it is amazing what a little comedy can achieve.  We did a review game with the 2nd and 3rd graders yesterday and I was amazed that they had such a great grasp on the lessons and verses from the previous days.

My group has averaged about 17 kids this week and last night they got to dress up in a disguise :)  Do you see Danielle in the front row with the hat?  She added googly eyes to her hand and a mustache :)

Karly's disguise....I am proud of her because she put this together on her own....so funny!

The SPY LAB....the professor finally fixed the flux capacitor :)  The kids have been loving all of the object lessons, experiments, and the crazy professors.

I'm kind-of going to miss all the respect my BADGE has been getting me....maybe I should keep wearing it :)  I wonder how long I could get away with that?

He is the Lord and there is no other!  That is a great discovery!  I am praying for all the kids we have taught this summer....that they don't just remember the silly skits, games, or snacks, but that the message of God's Word sinks deeply into their hearts and raises them to walk with HIM.  

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


I've tried Wasabi before and a little goes a really long way into your brain to make it feel like it is going to explode (at least it did for me....maybe I had too much :).  I like to think of that when people use the phrase "that blew my mind!"  or "that's mind-blowing!"...so, I am always thinking, "wasabi"!  I saw something the other day that was incredibly impacting in terms of my thinking about being grateful.  I really don't need to set this up at all because I think the question will probably impact you too.

I wish I could know your first thought about that question....Mine was a quick, I should just send up a blanket "thank you God for everything"...so I will still have it all tomorrow....kind-of like when someone asks you what you would wish for if a genie gave you three wishes and you use the first wish to wish for infinite wishes....so clever, right?  Then, I thought....did I even thank GOD for anything yesterday...I'm really not sure I did that in a specific way.  So this is my WASABI moment for you....maybe you will feel the same, maybe not...but, I believe God is challenging me to be very specific about the things I am thankful for on a daily basis....and I think if I can be specific about that, it will lead me to more intentional prayer times, too.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

When Life Hands You Lemons

Isn't it a pain sometimes that our weaknesses and difficulties are just what we need to endure to help us figure out that we are not GOD...and to allow HIM to move and show Himself to us in HIS strength and for HIS glory? Isn't it tempting to want to run away from the painful issue or frustrating circumstance if at all possible... instead of letting God work in it and through it and make something beautiful out of it?  I have still been struggling with my voice....and it is one of those things for me that is so obvious, you know.  Almost everyone who knows me knows I sing and so I get asked about my voice all the time.  Now that I have missed more than a few Sundays helping lead worship at church....it is an issue that is no longer a secret...isn't that an interesting moment when you realize your struggle probably will not remain a personal issue...and so, you determine to allow others (and sometimes many others) to pray for you in specific ways.  I don't know why that always makes me feel so vulnerable....maybe it is a pride issue....but, I don't usually like letting a lot of people know about my difficulties.  I am one of those people who likes to wait it out on my own with as few people as possible "in the know."

Ever thought about this from the perspective of the lemon? :)  Poor little lemon...
I'm sorry you got me :P  HA!  What if the lemon thinks I'm "a lemon"? WEIRD!

However, once I am over that vulnerability issue and know that God can work with me best when I am completely humble and dependent on HIM....it is such a blessing to know that so many people care for me and are praying for me.  Here's the thing I often think about in moments of despair or loss, hurt or sorrow....I think, "do I really agree with the verse in Job 1:21....when it says, the Lord gave and the Lord has taken away.....blessed be the name of the Lord."  That seems so "matter of fact" sometimes and it's like I agree with it as a fact, but it is not so easy to have a joyful heart of praise in the times of hardship...especially when there is something you have always been able to do that you can no longer do.  I think we tend to start thinking of these things in terms of us being the owners of them, you know....like I thought I was the owner of my singing voice....and really I am just the manager.  God is always the OWNER and it is HIS absolute right and authority to make any changes HE wishes to the way talents (or other things) are managed.  I guess I don't always have to like my circumstances, but I have to acknowledge that HE is sovereign and absolutely good and then I just have to trust HIM and wait for HIM work....and I have to resist the temptation to tell HIM how to do HIS job.  I think that is part of how to praise HIM in the middle of a trial.

What have you learned?  Has God shown you any of HIS secret ingredients for the best lemonade?

Monday, July 21, 2014

Now, Have I Made Myself Clear?

Said the chameleon as he took his stand :)

My parents were up this weekend to hang out with us in all our craziness and celebrate Kassi's birthday (a little later)....I told you their birthdays are more like a month instead of a day :).  So, they were following us around everywhere and getting really used to our license plates.  The first three letters in the plates are BRC, so they were playing a game with whichever girls were travelling with them to come up with something funny with those letters.  My favorite one that my mom thought of is, "Brad Resuscitates Chameleons"....then, Savannah piped up from the backseat and said, "quick, he's turning BLUE!"  :)  GOOD ONE, Savannah!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

This Message Will Self Destruct in 5,4,3....

The Fosters have entered the International Spy Academy at Village Hope Church

Love Kenna's CRAZY EYES :)

Danielle, Kassi, and Karly are thrilled that VBS began today....Savannah and McKenna are Junior Agents and are helping with drama, songs and puppets....I am a Special Agent (co-teaching the 2nd and 3rd grade Bible lessons...I was happy to have 15 kids in my class for the first night)...and Brad....well....this is always his time of year to SHINE :)  

He is INSPECTOR NO CLUE for all the dramas....(but, be careful to pronounce it correctly if you see him  or he might grab your face and re-shape your lips so you will say it correctly....it is nah-kleau...very French sounding.)  Soooo funny!

The whole theme is about looking for evidence that God is who He says He is.....and the kids are all Agents of the ONE TRUE GOD.  Tonight, our mission was to learn to identify counterfeits...beliefs, ideas, or idols that are not belonging to the ONE TRUE GOD.

Until next we meet...A bientot....(pronounced Ah Byen Toe) say it one more time....ah.....byen....

Oooops, shouldn't have wasted time on your pronunciation...singed a bit, were you? :)

Friday, July 18, 2014

"Because I'm Happy!"

The kiddos... waiting for the balloon launch and enjoying a picnic..."clap along if you feel like a room without a roof "

"It might seem crazy what I'm about to say"...The HARE....they played a game at the launch and this balloon got to launch first....so as soon as it's basket lifted off the ground all the others raced to get in the air next....SO MUCH SUSPENSE! 

OoooooLALA!  It was fun watching the girls in all their delight to see these fantastic colors! I love catching a picture like this that I did not try to pose :) "Clap along if you feel like that's what you wanna do!"

"Clap along if you know what happiness is to you"....(It's a wonderful LIFE!)

"I'm a hot air balloon, I could go to space!"

Life is about using the whole box of crayons :)  Come on, pour 'em out!..."Because I'm happy!"

The Comeback Kid

"For though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again..."  Proverbs 24:16  

If you're down right now....it's only a matter of time before you will rise again.  Every Christian should celebrate their comebacks....and the comebacks of their brothers and sisters!  AND, even if you're down, the hope for your incredible comeback should lift your spirits....HOPE FLOATS....feel it?

Looking forward to watching the balloons launch at the Jackson Hot Air Jubilee tonight....
it is one of my favorite sights to see!  


Let our faith me more than anthems!  We can celebrate the sweetest COMEBACK in the history of EVER!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

I Told You GOD Is Our Answer Song :)

So, today I am all excited because I just got back from Cedar Point early this morning and we had a great time and all that....yada...yada...first blog today.  AND, my favorite ride was called the Gatekeeper, right?  I even had all the kids shout out their favorite ride from the whole day when we were all gathered together and counting heads to return home last night.  So, imagine me shouting out Gatekeeper with them....(funny, God!)

It is crazy how wonderful our GOD is......you know that song that says no tongue or pen can ever tell....there just aren't enough words.....so right! I love the imagery in the third verse....what if the oceans where ink and the skies were parchment...even then, there would not be room to tell of his LOVE!  Back to my story,  I slept in and had several appointments today, so I just got around to my Bible reading for the day and it is Psalms 84-86.  I wonder if God ever anticipates us finding the things He hides for us to find....does that make Him happy?  I know there is this whole time issue, so it's not like He is waiting around, but I sometimes wonder how that works.

You should just read the WHOLE THING because it is so marvelous, but look at Psalms 84:10-12

Do you see what I see?  DOORKEEPER?  Really God?  PERFECT way to reveal that truth to me when I have been thinking about the Gatekeeper today......YES!  I would love to be a doorkeeper in your courts!  IT WOULD BE AMAZING....the thrills at Cedar Point ain't got nothin' on YOU and what you have in store for those of us who make this pilgrimage!  GOD WITHHOLDS NO GOOD THING!  Just wanted to share that with you in case you need some encouragement!  Let this strengthen your heart and your faith.

Ahhhh, The Smell of Cedar

I do love it....my dad made me a hope chest for a wedding present and lined it with cedar, so I like smelling the sweaters we take out of it....it is a HAPPY FALL smell.....BUT I AM TALKING ABOUT THIS :)


I had a lot of fun going with our youth group yesterday.  It has been years since I have gone on those coasters.....Brad takes the youth every year, but so far I have stayed home with the other girls....not this time.  I think AGE changes one's tolerance of gravity :).   My favorite coaster is the Gatekeeper, but after the second time on that one....I was a wee bit queasy.

Kenna, her friend Makenzie, and I in line for the Gatekeeper for the second time....after riding Iron Dragon and Raptor....getting the coaster hair thing going on....OH, YEAH!

See Kenna's legs sticking out?...haha!  This swing goes way too high for me....I am such a heights wimp!  (That is why God made me short.....He knows me best)  I love how this picture turned out though, so it was good I stayed on the ground, you know, for the sake of getting the best shots :)

From the line for the Gemini.....it was built when I was two and I kept thinking about the potential of termites over the years :)  We had a couple girls with us that didn't like the BIG coasters. So, since I was starting to feel every drop and wanted to keep my cookies....after lunch, I said goodbye to Brad and Kenna and hung out with those girls.  They are adding a couple more coasters each year they go, trying to work their way up to the bigger ones :)  This year they added the Gemini to their list of conquered coasters, so we probably went on that one at least 7 times to celebrate their victory over it. :)  FUN! FUN!..etc, etc, and three more etc's!  I do like racing the other cars and trying to touch fingertips.

Some of the kids in my group at the macaroni SMILE!  
Yep, we did love it!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Every Battle Belongs to the Lord

I admit it......in the past I have given up my pursuit of reading through the entire Bible because it has been so painstakingly difficult for me to get through so many weird names and places....people begatting people....ways to be "clean"...how many days to stay outside the city...battles to fight....bad kings....good kings.... and a God that seems really mean.... in the Old Testament.

It can be a battle to train and discipline yourself to read and meditate on the Word...especially if you are prone to distraction....as am I.

He can seem very unlike the God of the New Testament if not understood correctly as a God who is both merciful and just....that He is still the same GOD, but has given us a way to holiness by grace through our faith in Jesus Christ.  I have had to give that concept a lot of thought over the years and allow Him to make sense of it for me.  GOD NEVER CHANGES. SIN ALWAYS DESERVES DEATH.  NO SIN IS WORSE THAN ANY OTHER SIN.  MY RIGHTEOUSNESS IS AS FILTHY RAGS (and if you do a study on that you will be appalled at the description).  It helps me to understand the chasm between who GOD is (which I get if I read the Old Testament) and who I am....I have to understand that before I can appreciate and have gratitude for what has really been accomplished for me, right?  I have to come to a right FEAR of GOD....and awe of HIS holiness to even begin to seek true wisdom.

Because of my lack of fortitude to press on in the Old Testament, I have more knowledge of the New Testament...so, this year....I determined to press on and make it all the way through the Old and New Testament and I pray I will get better at this each year and that I am training myself to partake of the whole Word of God and try to meditate on it.  Today I read a passage in 1 Kings where Ahab is fighting against Ben-Haddad and the message behind this battle really stood out to me...(like those times God says something straight to you) here is verse 28...

The man of God came up and told the king of Israel (Ahab), "This is what the Lord says: "Because the Arameans think the Lord is a god of the hills and not a god of the valleys, I will deliver this vast army into your hands, and you will know that I am the Lord."

So, even in the middle of all these battles in the Old Testament where my mind starts to wander and I am wondering, Lord, do you have a lesson here?  YEP....YOU ARE HERE....WHAM there is this incredible lesson about knowing GOD as the GOD of the mountains and the GOD of the valleys....to me it said...."I AM THE GOD OF THE OLD AND THE GOD OF THE NEW".....and allowing God to be Lord of every part of our lives....GOD OF OUR EVERYTHING....that's powerful stuff!  If we can really understand that, I am sure we will be amazed at the victories He will deliver into our hands just to show us who HE is.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Ever Heard of Answer Songs?

They are fun....it is like when one artist makes a song popular in a certain year...the song becomes woven into the pop culture because the idea/tune/words (really any combo) catches on...and then another artist writes a song to answer it at the same time the pop culture is craving an answer or a sort of sequel to the first song....does that make sense?  I like when they get a little playful like that and make it into a conversation of sorts....for instance, when Ben E. King sang "Stand By Me", Damita Jo answered it with the song "I'll Be There" in the same year....and when the Drifters sang "Save The Last Dance For Me", she did it again by answering with "I'll Save The Last Dance For You"...other artists have done it and not always in such an obvious way, but I think it was way more popular to do in the 50's and 60's....at least in the fun, playful way.  I took a class on the history of music and pop culture in high school....everyone else took it because it was supposedly a cinch, but I really liked it.

Anyway, I thought of that today because I really like a song that is on the radio right now called "All Along", by Remedy Drive and every time I hear it I think it could have been a great answer song for U2's "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For"...just my random thoughts :)  Somehow those two make sense together for me.  I had to listen to them back to back today....it's really all about man's search for meaning, you know?!

Here's "All Along"  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MI76zIAe1g

At some point U2 should stop running....don'tcha think? :)  It's true though....when we run from something God has planned for us or some truth He is showing us or from the forgiveness we need for our sin or any other good thing from Him....we only end up right at the very place where we started running or worse...we will never find what we are looking for if we keep running from Him!

"Lord, you have made us for yourself and our hearts are restless until they find their rest in you"
- St. Augustine - 


What's The Number For National Geographic?

I was weeding the flower beds I have all the way along my retaining wall and I came across an animal that I had never seen before....it had little anteannas or legs or something all over it and it was kind-of a jelly substance....not clear, but really mushy.  I was removing leaves from it and poking it with a stick, but it didn't move so I thought I was safe.  I was getting so grossed out as I was imagining that if there was one....there may be many of these weird animals hiding in my retaining wall.  I told the girls not to touch the weird, dead animal and I left it where it was so I could show it to Brad later. This is where I should just admit I should have had them dye my hair blonde instead of perming it :)  When Brad went to inspect the "new species" I had discovered that makes its home in retaining walls in Michigan....he flipped it over and there was a little handle on it.

It was one of these little plastic puffer balls mostly deflated and caked in mud.  
Good thing I hadn't made that call :)

Sunday, July 13, 2014

On A Bicycle Built For Zoom

Remember my helmet blog?  Well, guess what I got for my birthday.....drum roll please.....

I GOT A HELMET!  AND, it came with my very own bicycle....(but, that would have been really funny if it had not) I know this is sad, but I have not had a bike since I got my dream, pink and gray, 10-speed when I was 10 years old....and I am not saying how long ago that was!!!  

So, the only other person in the family who really needed a new bike was Karly because she has outgrown her teeny tiny toddler bike.  I said I had to run some errands this afternoon and ran into town and got her a new bike.  When I got home Brad and I put it in between the vans in the garage and acted like we were going to take a family trip into town to play some tennis.  We asked Karly to go get the tennis balls for us thinking she would have to go through the middle of the vans to get them.  I was peeking at her from the kitchen door and that squirt squeezed through the tiny area in front of the vans instead of going by the bike.  So, then I said we should get all the tennis racquets too and go though the middle....she said, "OK and (yawn) I saw the new bike you got me."  SO NONCHALANT!  Why is she 6 going on 16?  She's my baby....that's not fair!  SO KASSI screamed for her...thank you Kassi for always giving me the reaction I am hoping for :)

We loaded up the trailer (like the Beverly Hillbillies) and headed to Falling Waters Trail for our first FOSTERRIFIC FIVE MILE RIDE.  Our incentive was to make it to Concord from Teft Rd before 9pm so we could get some ice cream. We had hoped we could also make the return trip to the van, but there was NO WAY that was happening :) We started at about 7:30 pm and barely made it :)  My legs are going to be sore only because I went the whole way as SLLLLLOOOOOWWWWLLLLYYYY as I could.  I was the caboose to our train.  That doesn't sound hard, but you try riding 5 miles barely peddling.....haha!  I think the balance I needed to maintain to stay upright gave me a pretty good core workout (watch out Jillian Michaels....here I come :).  This was Danielle's first day without training wheels and she did GREAT!  Everyone did well for the first time out of our yard....that was just quite a distance to try for out first distance ride.  We made it to the ICE CREAM place...like an oasis in the desert, Must...........have.......dessert........so Brad rode his bike back to the van and came to pick us up with the trailer....it only took him 18 minutes to get back to the van by himself.....that is hilarious to me :)

ZOOM, ZOOM, ZOOM....ready, set, SUMMER!

Saturday, July 12, 2014

This Brother Of Yours

My Bible reading tonight took me through the Parable of the Lost Son.  The words I used for the title are so powerfully spoken to the older son by the father as he uses that critical moment to teach the oldest what it means to be a brother.  Why is it so easy for us to point out the faults in others?...We almost disown them as we are so frustrated by their actions....our speech and thoughts change to "that son of yours!"  Why do we forget that we too have wandered.....that we have needed (and need and need and need) salvation....that we have been given GRACE that none of us deserved?  Why are we apt to become jealous when the father celebrates the return of one of OUR BROTHERS instead of "raising the roof" for them?  There have been so many books written on these topics...

It is difficult to teach siblings what it means to show brotherly love....in our case....sisterly :)  We had one of those sisterly love issues come up tonight at our last birthday party of the day.....a pretty intense teachable moment.  Isn't that fun when it happens out in public?  A friend of ours said something to us when McKenna was a baby and I am so thankful he did because it was great advice.....he said he had realized it really wasn't about what someone else thought of him as he addressed the teachable moment with his child....so if there is a melt-down in Meijer or at a birthday party, you don't have to be embarrassed by it.....you just have to faithfully discipline and instruct.

I saw a Mother Theresa quote that I saved because it was a good reminder to me of checking my own motives and intentions in how I perceive others.  Here it is...

I guess it is one thing to see others as children of God....but, it is something else entirely to call them "brother"/ "sister" and love them that way.  It is my prayer that I would be done with the judgement junk.....I'm no good at that anyway....I KNOW NOTHING of what motivates others toward their actions.  It is just foolish for me to try.  I pray that I will use my time to LOVE people.  It might be weird because I don't know any other people that do this, but I still wear my purity ring....it is a simple silver band that says LOVE on it.  I switched it to my right hand when Brad and I got engaged, but I never felt like putting it away....I never felt like I should put it away.  It still holds a lot of meaning for me....there are two main things it reminds me....one is that even though I am married I still need to be committed to purity....it's not like there is the purity part of my life and then married life.  AND, because I wore it first, it reminds me that I committed to GOD first and that loving GOD means loving OTHERS.  So many times throughout the day I look at the word on that ring and evaluate myself.  I cannot tell you how many times GOD has used that little ring to redirected my thoughts, attitudes, and/or actions.

Sometimes when I am super frustrated with Brad over something he will say, "just love me".  There are some lines that work their way into the fabric of relationships :) ...I think the Father would say something very similar to us about our brothers and sisters, "just love them".  You know those games we play where we say..."I love you"...."I love you more"...."I loved you first".....God totally wins that every time!