Their first meeting couldn't have been more perfect! We went to Culvers for custard and just as we were finding a (large...haha!) booth...Savannah said her great aunt, great uncle...great grandma and great grandpa were in a booth across the restaurant from us. I was tempted to be shocked by the coincidence, but then I realized considering this a coincidence now would be close to blasphemy as there have just been so many God-designed appointments and who would have thought that the cold would take us to Culver's and we would meet some of their extended family. These family members were so grateful and relieved to meet us and to know that the girls would be in a Christian home. We spent quite a bit of time talking with them.
After we were finished at Culver's we took a field trip out to our home because the girls have been really curious about their rooms...we just couldn't make them wait any more to see the house. I was thrilled to realize I have a little interior designer in Savannah...a girl after my own heart! She had all kinds of ideas of how we could do the upstairs space. I am not sure if it was a brilliant idea to show them our house because it was then extremely difficult to get them back in their shoes and out the door back to their foster home. I think everyone is feeling that this is a done deal and it should happen....yesterday!
Thank you for all your prayers...I would say this day has been pretty fosterrific! The permagrin is making my face hurt!

PART 2 of the Two Blog Night: I have another praise to let you know about as I have been so thankful to know about it this week. If you have been following this adoption process with will know that at the end of March we were told another family was selected for these girls...and we went through some time of being very sad. When the agency called to say the other family had not worked out for them about two weeks ago...I was happy for us, but I was concerned that the girls may have felt rejected by this experience. I learned this week that the girls never knew about the other family. I learned that there was a case of cold feet for the family and Danelle and Savannah never met them or knew they were in the far as they know we are the first choice for them. I have just been so grateful this week that they did not experience anymore loss by having to know that this family decided not to adopt them...God knows what He is doing and His love knows NO bounds. I praise Him for protecting their little hearts.